Wed, May 6th 2020 12:55 pm
Dozens of people were out and about in the Village of Lewiston enjoying the summer-like weather. They were walking down Center Street, eating on picnic tables and sitting on benches, looking at monuments, licking ice cream in Academy Park, and sprawled out on Water Street, looking out on the river. Many of those people were not wearing a mask or cloth face covering.
Tue, May 5th 2020 10:00 am
There will be no Fourth of July fireworks in Lewiston this summer.
Sat, May 2nd 2020 07:00 am
The family-owned and operated Hartman's Distilling Co. on Chicago Street in Buffalo, which normally focuses on the production of bourbon, rye, vodka, gin and craft cocktails, has shifted much of its production to bottles of hand sanitizers because of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, it is donating one bottle of hand sanitizer for each one it sells.
Sat, May 2nd 2020 07:00 am
When Mary Cooke was supervisor of Grand Island, she attended a meeting of the DeGlopper Memorial expansion committee in the Pvt. Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249 for one reason: to ensure the proposed statue of the town's World War II hero would not be another "Scary Lucy."
Fri, May 1st 2020 06:40 pm
Not content to sit around and wait to see what happens next, or when society will reopen, the showrunners of CBS freshman series "All Rise" opted to shoot an episode where the characters are dealing with the state-imposed quarantine. ... Just like the rest of us.
Fri, May 1st 2020 07:00 am
Water Street Landing is a unique property in that it normally offers three distinct dining options - outside patio, inside social hall and elegant dining room - each with its own menu.
Fri, May 1st 2020 02:55 am
The full version of the Tribune and The Sentinel combo newspaper.
Thu, Apr 30th 2020 06:55 pm
In Niagara Falls, there are few images more iconic to locals than the giant cow that sits perched atop of De Dee's Dairy. Around this time of year, the beloved bovine is usually overlooking scores of sticky-faced patrons and pineapple-sized ice cream cones at the picnic table below. The sight is something of an official announcement that spring is here.
Thu, Apr 30th 2020 10:30 am
Everything about this year's Best Fish Fry contest was different - except the winner. For the third year in a row, Apple Granny Restaurant battered, I mean bested, the competition. The Village of Lewiston restaurant once again garnered the most votes (and the most voters) to take the title.
Wed, Apr 29th 2020 02:00 pm
Did you wake up this morning unsure of what day it was? Maybe you had ice cream and a glass of wine for dinner last night after your kids ran out of excuses to not go to bed? I'm here to tell you you're not alone.
Wed, Apr 29th 2020 01:25 pm
Are you getting bored out of your mind? If so, I know exactly how you feel! So, I've decided to come together with my sisters to bring you a few ideas that have given us something fun to do and have shaken up our quarantine routine.
Wed, Apr 29th 2020 11:15 am
What is the one big thing on everyone's mind today? You guessed it ... the coronavirus. Many, if not all countries are affected around the world by this fearful virus. More than 2 million people have been infected. There's no telling on when things might get back to normal.
Wed, Apr 29th 2020 10:40 am
On Saturday, April 11, an Easter Bunny Parade was held in the Village of Youngstown. Parading through the village was Youngstown Police and Volunteer Fire Co., in accompaniment with the Youngstown Lions Club.
Wed, Apr 29th 2020 02:00 am
The Grand Island Dispatch for April 24, 2020
Tue, Apr 28th 2020 05:00 pm
With quarantine being extended until mid-May for New York state, college students are unsure on when they will return to school for classes, when trips could possibly be rescheduled, or when life will go back to some form of normality.
Tue, Apr 28th 2020 02:55 pm
As the world progresses through the 2020 calendar year, it is obvious that this is a very strange time to be living in. Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, much of the world has seemed to shut down. The emptiness this terrible virus has caused is perhaps most obviously visible in the sports world.
Tue, Apr 28th 2020 02:45 pm
A high school senior stuck home, unable to participate in extracurriculars or clubs. Not knowing if they'll be able to walk across the stage to receive their diploma. A college student is unable to walk to the library or their professor's office.
Tue, Apr 28th 2020 12:15 pm
COVID-19: The disease that has changed society as we know it. Nobody really knew what to expect when the Centers for Disease Control confirmed the first case in the U.S. on Jan. 14, least of all college students.
Tue, Apr 28th 2020 08:50 am
One Capital Region pizza business, Paesan's Pizza, was fortunate enough to be featured in a review, leading to a positive impact for the business. This is known as the "Portnoy Effect," where a pizza shop sees a rapid increase in sales after its pizza is reviewed.
Sun, Apr 26th 2020 08:05 pm
Your typical morning routine has changed. You find yourself at home getting ready to sit behind a screen all day. Part of your new daily routine is checking emails as frequently as you check social media.
Sun, Apr 26th 2020 02:15 pm
With all this new time on our hands, we might as well use it to our advantage! Instead of seeing this pandemic as a curse we can see it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
Sun, Apr 26th 2020 01:55 pm
The unsung heroes of the pandemic are school teachers. They teach the future of the world and change and enrich their students' lives for the better.
Sat, Apr 25th 2020 07:00 am
John C. Whitney, P.E., was attending his first Association of Town Meetings in New York on Feb. 18 as the newly elected supervisor of Grand Island when his assistant, Rhonda Diehl, called with an urgent message: "The media and residents are calling for your comments about Fantasy Island closing for good."
Sat, Apr 25th 2020 07:00 am
The Rotary Club of Grand Island held its first virtual meeting with a guest speaker on Wednesday evening. More than 30 members and guests were online to hear and see Town Supervisor John C. Whitney, P.E., speak about the current situation with COVID-19 and future town projects once a sense of normalcy begins.
Sat, Apr 25th 2020 07:00 am
On Monday, The Town Board of Grand Island held its second virtual meeting via its YouTube channel because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the state of emergency declared by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo last month. During the pre-meeting workshop session, each councilmember and Supervisor John C. Whitney, P.E., discussed an ability to involve residents virtually with the town's various public meetings and hearings.
Sat, Apr 25th 2020 07:00 am
After getting over the disappointment that an elaborate unveiling and dedication of a life-sized statue of Grand Island's World War II hero, Pvt. Charles N. DeGlopper, has been postponed until June 5, 2021, the memorial volunteer committee was hard at work this week planning the completion of its fundraising goals.
Fri, Apr 24th 2020 04:45 pm
The Niagara-Wheatfield Board of Education held a virtual board meeting this week where they began tentative budget discussions for the 2020-21 school year. A proposed budget of $77,119,627 shows only a moderate 3.7% increase from last year. However, amidst the uncertainty brought on by COVID-19, board members will have to await the governor's decision regarding the end of the month before they can decide whether or not to move forward with the figures.
Fri, Apr 24th 2020 03:55 pm
The full version of the Tribune Sentinel combo newspaper.
Thu, Apr 23rd 2020 06:15 pm
While quarantine is ruining peoples' plans for having fun in the sun and destroying family reunions and birthday parties, there's a few different ways you can keep the boredom away and stay busy during quarantine. From streaming and video calling, to doing puzzles and getting a head start on spring cleaning, this quarantine is making people get creative with how to spend their free time.
Thu, Apr 23rd 2020 06:05 pm
DeAndrew Arnold, a senior attending Barbers Hill High School in Mont Belvieu, Texas, had been suspended and told he could not walk in his upcoming high school graduation unless he cut his dreadlocks to meet his school district dress code.
Thu, Apr 23rd 2020 09:25 am
A week ago, The Billoni family and Colvin Cleaners announced they were bringing back their tailors and seamstresses who were laid off due to COVID-19 to make reusable, washable face masks for their customers and local nonprofit agencies. Within an hour of this announcement, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced everyone in New York is required to wear a facemask when out in public.
Wed, Apr 22nd 2020 01:15 pm
Jesse's business, New House Leatherworks, was founded out of his desire to find a new hobby that fit his personality and the values he holds. He searched for years to find where his natural talent lay, picking up different hobbies, but never feeling like they were truly meant for him.
Tue, Apr 21st 2020 07:00 pm
Hibbard's Original Frozen Custard is anticipating opening for the 2020 season next week.
Tue, Apr 21st 2020 03:55 pm
The full edition of the Island Dispatch.
Tue, Apr 21st 2020 01:55 pm
For the Mallwitz family, who have owned Mallwitz's Island Lanes, recreation center and restaurant at 1887 Whitehaven Road for 40 years, "March Madness" is a welcomed revenue stream to accompany its bowling business.
Tue, Apr 21st 2020 01:20 pm
The Village of Lewiston Board of Trustees unanimously approved the fiscal year 2020-21 budget on Monday. Residents will see an 8-cent increase in their property taxes, with a fee of $7.65 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. That equates to $12 more for a homeowner with a $150,000 property.
Mon, Apr 20th 2020 03:40 pm
"We know nursing homes are a sign of concern for us, because the numbers of residents getting sick is going up, and number of positives in the nursing homes are going up. So, it'll allow us to take that hundred and put it towards trying to provide a testing for people who work in assisted living centers, nursing homes. These are people who have symptoms. And it allow us to make sure that we're preventing the spread of the infection through a nursing home or through an assisted living center."
Sat, Apr 18th 2020 07:00 am
How are you, Lewiston-Porter? On our homepage, you will find a quick family check-in survey. Please take the time to fill it out and let us know how your family is doing, and the best way to support you and your children during this time.
Sat, Apr 18th 2020 07:00 am
The elaborate unveiling and dedication on June 6 of the life-sized statue of Grand Island's United State Army World War II hero Charles N. DeGlopper will be postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Fri, Apr 17th 2020 04:25 pm
Can't find masks online? Need to make a cloth covering? Not sure how? Niagara County has some suggestions.