Legal and Public Notices

Niagara Frontier Publications publishes legal notices for municipalities and school districts; and public notices for limited liability companies, liquor license applicants and those changing their names.

For more information, rates, or to submit a notice for publication, please email [email protected], or call 716-773-7676.

Current legal notices running in the Tribune/Sentinel • Island Dispatch can be seen under the “Click Here to Read this Week’s Newspapers” tab on the home page.

Niagara Frontier Publications is a weekly newspaper group that can print legal notices (also known as public notices) from Niagara, Erie and Orleans counties in:

•The Niagara County Tribune/Sentinel (Niagara County) – published each Friday, except Christmas week

•The Island Dispatch (Grand Island, Erie County) – published each Friday, except Christmas week

Below, you will find an example of a legal notice that was written to be placed in Niagara County:


PLEASE NOTE: This is just an example, not to scale, and the information included is just a reference. For legal purposes, and due to our establishment not having an attorney on premise, we are not permitted to give legal advice, including but not limited to, legal notices. It is up to the client to determine what information and/or specific wording needs to be included.



When submitting information, a client does not need to format the text. We format the ad upon order placement (this includes the size, paragraph alignment, font, etc.).

We prefer this information be sent in a Word document or as text in the body of an email. If a client is mailing or faxing the legal notice, please note it will have to be typed, and there is an additional $35 typesetting fee.

Within two business days (maximum), we will format a client’s copy and send back a proof with a price. Once the proof is approved, it will begin publication in the next available newspaper.



•Niagara County: one-time $35 affidavit fee, and also $0.495 cents per line, per week

•Erie County: one-time $35 affidavit fee, and also $0.465 cents per line, per week

Line count is determined using a text processing program and based on a column width of 2.5 inches.



Niagara Frontier Publications reserves the right to deny legal notices based on but not limited to failure to adhere to the deadline, provide payment or submit proper documentation requested (including legal notice text).

If a client submits a legal notice and approves the proof, the client is then responsible for the text that is published.

If it is later determined the legal notice is incorrect, or needs to be printed a second time, the client will be charged for a second notice.


If you are interested in utilizing our newspapers for your advertisement, please send copy to [email protected].


Thank you for your business!

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