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On Saturday, The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops announced several local restaurants were named award winners in a variety of categories at the 39th annual festival. The judging was conducted by a panel of representatives from the local media, political and business sectors.
The Eric DuVall Memorial Best of Buffalo Award was given for the first time in memory of DuVall, a long-time TOB volunteer and board member who passed away earlier this year. Chosen by DuVall’s family and friends to receive this inaugural award was The Flaming Fish for its shrimp po’boy.
Other Taste of Buffalo winners include:
•Chair’s Choice (chosen by Luke Baecker, 2022 Taste of Buffalo Chair): Hofbräuhaus Buffalo, Kartoffelsuppe
•Children’s Choice (chosen by Shealeigh and Zack Baecker, daughter and nephew of 2022 TOB chair): Mister Pizza, Cheese Pizza
•“Rookie of the Year” Award: KT Caribbean Cuisine
•Veteran Restaurant Award: Chrusciki Bakery
•Best Overall Item: Taste of Siam, fried ice cream
•Best Meat Item: BW’s Barbecue, barbecue St. Louis cut ribs
•Best Seafood Item: Carmine’s, Cajun blackened shrimp
•Best Dessert: Nick Charlap’s hot fudge sundae
•Best Sandwich: Osteria 166, porchetta slider
•Best Red Wine: Three Brothers Wineries & Estates, Red Jazz Infusion
•Best White Wine: Victorianbourg Wine Estate, Pechette
•Favorite Fermentation: A Gust of Sun Winery & Vineyard, Sweet Diamond
•Independent Health Foundation’s Healthy Options:
√ First Place: Hofbräuhaus Buffalo, gurkensalat
√ Second Place: Unbridled Café, rustic flatbread
√ Third Place: Sidelines Sports Bar and Grill, summer salad
√ Best Healthy Dessert: Sweet Melody’s Gelato – “Red, White and Blue Sundae”
•Buffalo News Gusto Critic’s Choice Award: Caribbean Flava, curry chicken
The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops is the nation's largest two-day food festival. The 39th annual event took place along Delaware Avenue and Niagara Square in downtown Buffalo.
TOB a not-for-profit organization with more than 1,000 volunteers helping to put on the festival. Approximately $543,000 has been raised at the festival for local charities, including scholarships awarded annually to local high school seniors pursuing a culinary or hospitality-related degree. For more information, visit tasteofbuffalo.com, and find @tasteofbuffalo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.