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Erie County Legislature passes Tonawanda Coke resolution
Sat, Sep 8th 2018 07:00 am
During Thursday's session, the Erie County Legislature passed a resolution calling on the U.S. District Court, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to require Tonawanda Coke to submit an emergency shutdown plan.
Ribbon-cutting held for WNY Welcome Center on Grand Island
Sat, Sep 8th 2018 06:55 am
Lt. Gov. Kathy Hochul was on hand Friday, Aug. 31, to help the region and Grand Island open the Western New York Welcome Center.
Kearns to host 'Thank-A-Vet' discount program outreach in Cheektowaga
Fri, Sep 7th 2018 04:35 pm
'Thank-A-Vet' outreaches encourage Erie County veterans to sign up to receive discounts from more than 1,400 businesses.
Erie County report brief regarding Tonawanda Coke fire
Tue, Sep 4th 2018 04:05 pm
Following is the detail of a brief report prepared for Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz by personnel from the Erie County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services regarding last night's incident at the Tonawanda Coke plant in the Town of Tonawanda.
Public forums set for citizens to take part in 2019 Erie County community development program
Tue, Sep 4th 2018 03:30 pm
The Erie County Department of Environment and Planning has announced upcoming citizen forums to help determine the needs and priorities of low- and moderate-income residents residing within the Erie County Community Development ("CD") block grant consortium.
Grand Island Board of Education presented proposal for $23.2 million capital project
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 07:00 am
Board of Education trustees had a first look at a proposed $23.2 million capital project Monday that would address safety and security concerns at the high school and middle school complex.
Tonawanda Coke hearing Sept. 4
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 07:00 am
Tonawanda Coke Corporation has been ordered to appear in Federal court regarding a potential violation of the company's probation from their 2013 criminal sentence.
St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church: Bonfire get-together stokes Christian fellowship
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 07:00 am
Tacos in a bag, homemade pizza, smores, crafts, games, and the tunes of professional musician Scott Celani were all featured at a bonfire at St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church. In addition, the Rev. Earle King blessed backpacks filled with school supplies. Those backpacks are being donated to Huth Road Elementary School, Kaegebein Elementary School, and Sidway Elementary School.
Casey's Counter ready for kickoff
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 07:00 am
With the start of the Grand Island Vikings football season, Casey's Counter at Masters Field is offering football fans Bubba's BBQ with chicken on a stick and pulled pork.
The Linda Lee: Ferry of yesteryear to visit BLC Antique & Classic Boat Show
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 07:00 am
The 40th edition of the Antique and Classic Boat Show returns the weekend of Sept. 7-9 to the grounds of the Buffalo Launch Club on Grand Island's south shore.
New York State: Western New York Welcome Center opens on Grand Island
Sat, Sep 1st 2018 06:55 am
Without fanfare, the Western New York Welcome Center on Alvin Road has opened.
Work to begin on Niagara River habitat restoration
Sat, Aug 25th 2018 07:00 am
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation announced Thursday that work will soon begin to restore natural habitats in several sites along the Niagara River, which was named an "Area of Concern" by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1987.
Grand Island: Town Board resolution supports DEC on Tonawanda Coke
Sat, Aug 25th 2018 07:00 am
The Grand Island Town Board passed a resolution Monday in a show of solidarity with the State Department of Environmental Conservation's efforts to shut down Tonawanda Coke Corporation.
Knights of Columbus support Lions Special Kids Picnic
Sat, Aug 25th 2018 07:00 am
This year the Grand Island Lions Club's Special Kids Picnic entertained many children and their chaperones to a day of fun and food, including boat rides, pony rides, face painting, music, hot dogs and hamburgers. The Lions rely on donations from the community to fund this event.
Rotary Club of Grand Island: Miracle League receives annual donation
Sat, Aug 25th 2018 07:00 am
On Sunday, Aug. 19, the Rotary Club of Grand Island presented another installment of annual donations to the Miracle League of Grand Island and Western New York for upkeep of the Russell J. Salvatore Miracle League Field and neighboring playground in Veterans Park. This is one of 10 annual payments for maintenance. The GI Rotary has helped the Miracle League from its start 7 years ago.
Women of the Word premier celebration to take place Sept. 13
Sat, Aug 25th 2018 07:00 am
With the 2018-19 season, Women of the Word begin their 31st year of interdenominational Christian Bible study on Grand Island. Hosted by Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, the ladies of W.O.W. will study the New Testament book of Mark. The premier celebration is at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 13.
Jacobs calls for amnesty, asks governor to sign Toll Payers' Bill of Rights
Mon, Aug 20th 2018 03:30 pm
New York State Sen. Chris Jacobs, R-60th, on Monday called on the leadership of the State Assembly to forward legislation that he co-sponsored enacting the Toll Payers' Bill of Rights to the governor so he can immediately sign it into law.
Grand Island Town Board: Public forum slated for sidewalk project on Grand Island Boulevard
Sat, Aug 18th 2018 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island Engineering Department will host a public information meeting for the Grand Island Sidewalk Accessibility Project, which will complete a network of sidewalks on both sides of Grand Island Boulevard from Webb Road to Fantasy Island.
It's going to be like Father's Day in autumn
Sat, Aug 18th 2018 07:00 am
Due to the ongoing construction of the West River Connector Trail, which caused the removal of the West River Parkway, this year's Grand Island Father's Day Lawnmower Race has moved to the fall.
Highway Dept. puts finishing touch on linear bike path
Sat, Aug 18th 2018 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island Parks Department is thanking the Grand Island Highway Department for providing the finishing touch on the linear bike path that was replaced. Deck replacement of the bridge was completed Aug. 7 and 8. Pictured are Highway Department workers Mike Henderson, Ryan Ross and Jim Dalusio.
Improvements at Golden Age Center show facility is not standing still
Sat, Aug 18th 2018 07:00 am
New improvements at the Town of Grand Island's Golden Age Center reflect a philosophy of forward thinking for the town's oldest residents.
Tortorice anniversary
Sat, Aug 18th 2018 06:55 am
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Tortorice of Grand Island celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a family dinner at Salvatore's Italian Garden. They are planning a European river cruise in 2019.
Grand Island Board of Education: New capital project presentation planned for Aug. 27 meeting
Sat, Aug 11th 2018 07:00 am
The Grand Island Board of Education will hear a presentation concerning a possible capital project at its Aug. 27 meeting.
Grand Island Town Board: Islanders turn out for National Night Out
Sat, Aug 11th 2018 07:00 am
More people attended the 2018 National Night Out on Grand Island Tuesday than at least the last four National Night Outs events combined.
Parks Department completes bridge work
Sat, Aug 11th 2018 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island Parks Department reports deck replacement of the bridge on the linear bike path between Bedell and Long roads was started the morning of Aug. 7 and finished the next day.
Grand Island Town Board: Baseline sidewalk project discussed
Sat, Aug 11th 2018 07:00 am
The Grand Island Town Board approved, by a 5-0 vote, an application for funding from the New York State Department of Transportation's Transportation Alternative Program for ADA-compliant sidewalks in the center of town on Baseline Road. If the $375,000 grant is approved, the state would provide $300,000, and the town would provide 20 percent of the funding, or $75,000.
World's first yacht club pinball tournament coming to Sandy Beach Yacht Club
Sat, Aug 11th 2018 07:00 am
On the shore of the Niagara River, the Sandy Beach Yacht Club will provide a one-of-a-kind setting for the Buffalo Pinball Summer Open '18, one of the year's biggest pinball tournaments, featuring top competitors from across the U.S. and Canada.
BBC Band leads Western New York invasion
Wed, Aug 8th 2018 09:55 pm
While the Beatles led the British Invasion back in the 1960s, the BBC Band just may be leading the Western New York invasion right now.
Purple Heart veterans from across Erie County join Kearns on National Purple Heart Day to unveil William J. Donovan Purple Heart Recipients Book of Merit
Wed, Aug 8th 2018 09:40 pm
On Tuesday, National Purple Heart Day, Erie County Clerk Mickey Kearns was honored to be joined by more than 50 Purple Heart recipients and their families to unveil the new William J. Donovan Purple Heart Recipients Book of Merit.
Jacobs announces funding for Buffalo & Erie County Public Libraries
Mon, Aug 6th 2018 02:35 pm
New York State Sen. Chris Jacobs announced he has secured $120,000 in state funding for the 12 branch libraries in the 60th Senate District. This funding will support program upgrades, additional supplies, and other improvements that will enhance the educational impact of these libraries on youth in these communities.
Antique, Classic Boat Show returns next month to Buffalo Launch Club
Mon, Aug 6th 2018 07:00 am
Grand Islanders and Western New York boat lovers with an interest in the vessels of yesteryear will need to check out the Buffalo Launch Club next month.
Paddles Up Niagara has record number of participants
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 07:00 am
For the second year in a row, a record number of participants took part in Paddles Up Niagara.
DeGlopper Memorial: New trees at DeGlopper Park to honor Islanders killed in wars
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 07:00 am
Changes are coming to DeGlopper Park at the corner of Baseline Road and Grand Island Boulevard in the next few months.
Trinity United Methodist Church: New pastor welcomed
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 07:00 am
Trinity United Methodist Church welcomed a new leader with the introduction of Pastor Kevin D. Slough.
Solarize Grand Island campaign to hold more outreach events
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 07:00 am
The Solarize Grand Island campaign is well underway. The campaign has signed up over 60 residents for free evaluations. The campaign has held three workshop events and four table events throughout June and July with more planned.
GI National Night Out set for Tuesday
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 07:00 am
Residents of Grand Island are invited to join over 38 million neighbors across approximately 16,000 communities from all 50 states, U.S. territories and military bases worldwide for National Night Out, an annual community-building campaign that promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live.
Events planned at Island Ship Center
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 06:55 am
Three events at the Island Ship Center are now becoming popular autumn/winter get-togethers at the Grand Island's Spa of Shipping.
'Singing Sundae' debuts at Casey's Cabana
Sat, Aug 4th 2018 06:55 am
Duo Angela Ziegler and Ron LoCurto performed Sunday at Casey's Cabana in Ferry Village in the eatery's debut of "Singing Sundae." Casey's Cabana launched Casey's Creamery, offering hard ice cream, milkshakes and ice cream sundaes.
Cleveland Browns add Grand Island's Kaniecki to personnel staff
Sat, Jul 28th 2018 07:05 am
The Cleveland Browns recently announced Grand Island native Scott Kaniecki will transition from a scouting assistant to defensive quality control coach.
Town of Grand Island: Residents urged to fight Tonawanda Coke
Sat, Jul 28th 2018 07:00 am
Town Supervisor Nathan McMurray said citizens need to band together against Tonawanda Coke Corp. "to make sure they don't get away literally with murder."

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