Tue, Apr 23rd 2019 07:00 am
Committee members of the 2019 Grand Island Relay For Life will Paint the Town Purple on Saturday, May 4, and bring the Town Commons alive with purple in preparation for the annual Paint the Town Purple event, which takes place nationally on May 1.
Tue, Apr 23rd 2019 07:00 am
Spring is here and it is time to start thinking about planting and enjoying gardens. The fourth annual Grand Island Garden Walk will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday, July 7. The Garden Walk is a free event for participating gardens and for the public. Hundreds of visitors have toured and admired Island gardens during past walks, and such annual successes have the planning committee excited for the 2019 gardening season.
Mon, Apr 22nd 2019 07:00 am
The Island Dispatch and Grand Island PennySaver had a special guest judge for the annual Easter Coloring Contest.
Mon, Apr 22nd 2019 07:00 am
The New York State Independence Party announced their endorsements for the 2019 election in the Town of Grand Island.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 07:05 am
Without making any amendments to the proposal presented by district administration, the Grand Island Board of Education voted to adopt a $63 million 2019-20 school budget at a Tuesday.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 07:00 am
Members of the Military Order of the Purple Heart presented the Grand Island Town Board with a certificate of commendation designating the town as a Purple Heart community.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 07:00 am
The DeGlopper Memorial Committee will host a work party Sunday, April 28. Anyone willing and able is invited to attend.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 07:00 am
Sidway Elementary School's playground committee is in the home stretch of fundraising for a new playground at the Baseline Road school.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 07:00 am
As Island residents are now fully aware, Grand Island is moving full-steam ahead when it comes to solar energy.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
Mark S. Nemeth has announced his candidacy for Grand Island Town Justice this year. He has received the endorsement of the Grand Island Republican Party, Conservative Party and the New York Independence Party. He will appear in those primaries on June 25 as well as those of the Democrat, Green and Working Families parties.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
It's up to 13 years in business and counting - and 63 services offered and counting - for the Island Ship Center.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
Volunteers are again needed to sell newspapers to support Kids Day on Tuesday, April 30. Proceeds from this paper sale help support the John R. Oishei Children's Hospital and Cradle Beach in their efforts to care for loved ones.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
Longtime Grand Island resident Beverly A. Kinney announced her candidacy for reelection to the Grand Island Town Council.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
I have grown up on Grand Island, a mother of two, and the wife to my husband, Mike, of 23 years. My parents and in-laws are residents of Grand Island. We love our town. I am passionate about serving and helping others. Grand Island is our forever home. I want to give back to the community that raised me and now my family.
Sat, Apr 20th 2019 06:55 am
George Hauss is running for Grand Island town clerk. He has been an attorney for over 23 years and is a certified public accountant, practicing in the areas of real estate, tax, estate planning, and probate. He has lived on Grand Island for 15 years with his wife of 25 years, Lisa Marie, who works as a nurse at Erie County Medical Center, and their two rescue dogs and cats.
Wed, Apr 17th 2019 05:20 pm
The Erie County Department of Central Police Services is joining counterparts nationwide this week to participate in National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week, an annual event held in April to honor and recognize 911 call-takers - the "first" first responders - for their dedication and service to the public during some of the most difficult moments in a person's life.
Wed, Apr 17th 2019 05:05 pm
The Erie County Department of Mental Health (ECDMH), in cooperation with the Erie County Sheriff's Office and the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo's Greater Buffalo Racial Equity Roundtable, has announced plans to establish an Erie County Reentry Resource Center in the offices of ECDMH's Forensic Mental Health Services at 120 W. Eagle St., Buffalo.
Tue, Apr 16th 2019 12:50 pm
The Erie County Division of Budget and Management announced Erie County's long-term debt burden has been reduced by close to $100 million since Jan. 1, 2012, a decrease of nearly 25% in the seven years since Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz took office.
Sat, Apr 13th 2019 07:00 am
State Parks will begin to implement a plan this weekend of seasonal boat dock permitting along the West River Shoreline Trail.
Sat, Apr 6th 2019 07:00 am
Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz announced a slate of county public works projects that are planned for 2019 on Monday, March 25. This year, Erie County will spend over $40 million to maintain and repair county roads along with bridges and other structures, including curbing and drainage. The work will be completed by the Erie County Department of Public Works and is scheduled to begin as soon as the weather allows.
Sat, Apr 6th 2019 07:00 am
People who compost are able to improve the health of their gardens, as well as reduce the amount of waste that they leave for the garbage truck each week, said master gardener Bonnie Benton. Benton spoke to a full house at a presentation organized by the Grand Island Farmers Market and sponsored by the town's Conservation Advisory Board on March 28 at the WNY Welcome Center.
Sat, Apr 6th 2019 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island is considering formation of a task force to address its aging water infrastructure and consider an expansive overhaul of hydrants.
Tue, Apr 2nd 2019 07:00 am
The Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry is preparing for warmer weather and is now accepting applications for seasonal employment in 2019. Available positions include cashiers and starters at both Elma Meadows and Grover Cleveland golf courses, park maintenance workers for various locations throughout the parks' system, and lifeguards at the beach.
Sat, Mar 30th 2019 07:00 am
Three alumni of Grand Island High School were set to receive Distinguished Alumni Awards at a ceremony on Friday in the Grand Viking Theater of Grand Island High School, 1100 Ransom Road.
Sat, Mar 30th 2019 07:00 am
For the eighth consecutive year, the Grand Island Central School District Music Department has been selected by the National Association of Making Music Foundation as one of the Best Communities for Music Education in the United States for 2019.
Sat, Mar 30th 2019 07:00 am
Tuesday at the town's Golden Age Center, members of the center helped Betty Marinell celebrate her 98th birthday.
Sat, Mar 30th 2019 07:00 am
The Buffalo Launch Club announces two upcoming programs of interest to boaters:
Thu, Mar 28th 2019 02:30 pm
Erie County Clerk Michael Kearns and the Erie County Office for the Disabled will hold a special Disability Awareness Outreach Day from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Erie County Auto Bureau located in the Eastern Hills Mall, 4545 Transit Road. Persons interested may utilize the Dipson movie theater entrance located at the backside of the mall.
Wed, Mar 27th 2019 08:40 pm
Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz on Wednesday delivered his 2019 State of the County address at the Albright Knox Art Gallery in Buffalo before hundreds of community leaders and county residents, touting the successes of his administration and setting a course for economic and community development into the future.
Wed, Mar 27th 2019 11:15 am
Erie County, in partnership with the City of Buffalo, the Town of Wheatfield, and the Western New York Stormwater Coalition, is once again offering rain barrels and compost bins to encourage households to reduce their environmental footprint through water conservation and reducing fertilizer use.
Wed, Mar 27th 2019 11:15 am
More than 500 fire departments across New York have already signed up for the ninth annual RecruitNY Weekend (April 27-28). RecruitNY is a cornerstone campaign of the Firemen's Association of the State of New York (FASNY), with the goal of increasing membership in the state's volunteer fire service. The 2019 RecruitNY weekend is scheduled for April 27-28.
Mon, Mar 25th 2019 03:00 pm
The Erie County Department of Public Works Highways' Division has announced the initial 2019 program of county roads targeted for repairs, including roads in each of the county's five highway districts, with mill and overlay work designated for several roads that sustained damage over the winter.
Mon, Mar 25th 2019 07:00 am
It has been 100 years since Zonta International was founded in Buffalo, and the Grand Island club is celebrating the centennial in style with its annual Fashion Show & Luncheon.
Sun, Mar 24th 2019 01:55 am
Saturday afternoon, several local boys basketball players from Niagara Frontier League schools gathered at City Honors High School for the 2019 Silver Hoops Classic.
Sat, Mar 23rd 2019 07:00 am
William Sukaly, director of the Immigration and Refugee Assistance Program for Catholic Charities, spoke at all the masses at St. Stephen R.C. Church last weekend about this year's Catholic Charities Drive.
Sat, Mar 23rd 2019 07:00 am
The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce has announced its 2018 Citizen of the Year awards recipients.
Sat, Mar 23rd 2019 07:00 am
A second phase of the Heron Pointe apartment project on Grand Island Boulevard received site plan approval from the Town Board Monday, though two of the five board members demurred.
Sat, Mar 23rd 2019 07:00 am
A strong demand for qualified labor has prompted the Grand Island Central School District to help connect its students with employers looking for help.
Thu, Mar 21st 2019 07:00 am
The Erie County Fair has chosen a fun, creative word to describe the "Best 12 Days of Summer" in Western New York. "Summerific" has been announced as part of the launch of the fair's 2019 branding initiative.
Wed, Mar 20th 2019 11:30 am
The Erie County Department of Senior Services is seeking nominees for Erie County Senior of the Year, a resident over the age of 60 whose community involvement has made a difference to others - improving the quality of life in and around Erie County - and putting to use his or her knowledge, skills, values and motivation to enable that difference.