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Edward Waller has been elected president for 2024 of the Niagara Frontier Golf Club, a private golf club on Lake Road in the Village of Youngstown.
All members of the board of directors and officers serve in a volunteer capacity for three-year terms. The full list of the board of directors and officers includes:
√ President: Edward Waller
√ Vice president: Kevin Seeley
√ Secretary: Jack Pero
√ Treasurer: Anthony DiBacco
√ Past president: Andrew Cline
Board of directors: TJ Baia, Steve Broderick, Roger Herman, Jill Spira, Al Mack, James Roscetti and Aaron Rotella
Niagara Frontier has more than 300 members. Timothy Engel serves as club general manager. Daniel Antonucci, PGA, is the head golf professional. David Luckman is the head groundskeeper. Josh Burnham is club controller.
For membership information, contact the Niagara Frontier Golf Club at 716-745-3329 or visit its website at niagarafrontiergolfclub.com.