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Dr. Glenda Rose and Dr. Thomas Barba of Rose Chiropractic, P.C., in Lewiston, recently sponsored the 34th annual “Doctors with a Heart Day” for their patients. Over 2,700 pounds of nonperishable food items were collected from the public to benefit Niagara Community Action Program Inc.’s food pantries, in exchange for chiropractic services or a nutrition response testing exam and consultation.
Niagara Community Action Program Inc. said it is “grateful for the continuous support and commitment to our agency and mission.”
Pictured are Dr. Barba and Dr. Rose.
Dr. Rose and Dr. Barba added, “We would like to give a big thank you to all who participated this year to make ‘Doctors with a Heart’ such a huge success.”
Rose Chiropractic, PC, is located at 435 Ridge St., Lewiston.