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Angelo Sarkees of Deposits for Food teamed up this week with Doug Adamson of the Porter Empty Return Center to present donations from returned beverage collections associated with the Deposits for Food campaign. Donations came from can and bottle collections from the summer and fall season by Sarkees, as well as proceeds of collections from the Porter Empty Return Center. A total of $1,000 was collected, with $500 each going to assist both the Care-n-Share and Wilson Community Food pantries.
In the photo, from left: Adamson; Linda Lederhouse, operations manager of Care-n-Share; Janet Hoffman, administrator of the Wilson Community Food Pantry; and Sarkees of Deposits for Food.
Sarkees and Adamson said they would like thank all the workers and donors who contributed, and especially the workers at the food pantries for their community service. (Photo by Terry Duffy)