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Illinois, Kentucky, Minnesota, Puerto Rico & Washington, D.C., meet metrics to qualify for travel advisory
SLA and State Police task force observed 26 additional violations from establishments for violating social distancing requirements
Renews calls on Congress to pass a stimulus package that includes funding for state & local governments
Updates New Yorkers on state's investigation into Chainsmokers concert in Southampton
Earlier today, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced three additional states, Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., meet the metrics to qualify for the travel advisory requiring individuals who have traveled to New York from those areas, all of which have significant community spread, to quarantine for 14 days. The newly added states are Illinois, Kentucky and Minnesota. No states have been removed.
The quarantine applies to any person arriving from an area with a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents over a seven-day rolling average, or an area with a 10% or higher positivity rate over a seven-day rolling average.
The full, updated travel advisory list is below:
Cuomo also announced the joint State Liquor Authority and New York State Police Task Force observed 26 additional violations of state social distancing requirements Monday. The task force conducted 644 compliance checks last night.
He was very unhappy with a Chainsmokers concert.
“There are some locations that have been especially problematic – the concert that happened in the town of Southampton was just a gross violation of not only the public health rules – it was a gross violation of common sense,” Cuomo said. “It was grossly disrespectful to fellow New Yorkers, and the Department of Health is going to do a full investigation as to why the Town of Southampton issued a permit; as to what the promoters thought they were doing; how the event as it was going on was allowed to get out of control; how the local law enforcement didn't do anything when they saw that they had an event that was out of control and all the rules were being violated. So that investigation is ongoing. We're taking it very seriously.”
On Monday, New York State Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker sent a letter to the Town of Southampton requesting information on the concert within 24 hours and advising the town that New York state will conduct an investigation and assess the penalties associated with any violations of public health laws or regulations.
The governor renewed his call on Congress to include funding for state and local governments in the next stimulus package.
He also offered to have Major League Baseball teams come play in New York if they are experiencing difficulties in their home states.
“Major League Baseball is struggling with the challenges of playing ball in the COVID crisis,” Cuomo said. “I have said from day one I thought that it was a very good idea to get sports back without fans, but it would be televised, etc. I think it would be good for the economy. I think it would be good for the psyche. I think it would be good for the nation's soul. We want everybody to stay home, curtailed activity, don't go to the bar, don't drink. OK, let's stay home and watch a ball game. But then there has to be a ball game on TV. And I understand that Major League Baseball has had problems with that.
“I have offered suggestions to Major League Baseball over the past, getting spring training for the Yankees and Mets in New York was a big deal. Getting the Blue Jays to play in Buffalo, that's an exciting, big deal – it's great for Buffalo, great for New York.
“Here's my suggestion: I understand the challenge they're facing – New York state could host any Major League Baseball game that any teams want to play, and they could play those games in our stadiums. New York state has one of the lowest infection rates in the United States. New York state has a full Department of Health protocol system in place, we have a testing system in place.
“I offer to Major League Baseball, if you're having problems playing in other states, come play here. We will set up a health protocol – they could fly their team in on a private aircraft, they could go from the airport to a hotel where they would be quarantined. We would test everyone; we would get the test results back and then they could play ball in our stadium. Then they could get on a plane and fly home.
“We have the ability to do it. We have the testing resources to do it. We have the Department of Health experience to do it. It would be great for the New York state economy. And I think it would be great for New Yorkers and Americans.
“So, I offer that to Major League Baseball. The way we made it work for spring training camp, the way we made it work for the Blue Jays, we offer the same assistance here. I understand every team wants to play in its own city in its own state – I get it and that's great. But if that's not practicable for any reason, come play here.
“There's no fans anyway so it's just about the coverage, and New York is the media capital. So, I offer that for what it is worth, because I would love to see a robust baseball season.”
Today's coronavirus data is summarized briefly below:
Patient hospitalization – 648 (up 6)
Patients newly admitted – 68
Hospital counties – 29
Number ICU – 152 (up 3)
Number ICU with intubation – 81 (down 3)
Total discharges – 72,813 (up 47)
Deaths – 9
Total Deaths – 25,126
Of the 57,397 test results reported to New York yesterday, 534 (0.93%) were positive. Each region's percentage of positive test results reported over the past three days is as follows:
Capital Region |
1.2% |
0.5% |
1.2% |
Central New York |
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.9% |
Finger Lakes |
0.7% |
0.9% |
0.4% |
Long Island |
1.3% |
1.5% |
1.1% |
Mid-Hudson |
1.2% |
0.8% |
1.1% |
Mohawk Valley |
0.6% |
1.0% |
2.0% |
New York City |
1.1% |
1.2% |
0.9% |
North Country |
0.3% |
0.2% |
0.6% |
Southern Tier |
0.9% |
0.5% |
0.6% |
Western New York |
0.9% |
1.2% |
0.9% |
The governor also confirmed 534 additional cases of novel coronavirus, bringing the statewide total to 412,878 confirmed.