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Visit WilsonNY elects new officers


Fri, Jan 10th 2020 05:05 pm

Visit WilsonNY (formerly known as Wilson Community Tourism), serving the Town and Village of Wilson, elected a new slate of officers with their terms beginning on Jan. 1.

Anne Basile was elected as president, James Muscoreil, as vice president, Kathi Stein as treasurer and Diane Muscoreil as recording secretary.

A press release said the committee is made of a diverse cross-section of people from the community. Each one brings a host of knowledge and expertise to help promote Visit WilsonNY and its mission.

Though Wilsons’ economy is seasonal, the travel and tourism industry helps to play a large role to maintain the vitality of the community’s economic development. It is important for the committee to reach out to tour operators and motorcoach companies to increase awareness that Wilson is a year-round destination in order to bring in more visitors.

In addition to the officers mentioned, other board members include Janet Hoffman, Robert Hull, Jill Rohring, Steve Smith, Carol Hartwig and Darcy Jacobs. (Camera shy: Ron Zito.)

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