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40 Years Ago, May 10, 1972
JC survey results
The Grand Island Jaycees Inc. announced through survey Chairman Leon Smith and President Jack Kennedy the findings as tabulated in over 80 percent of the surveys returned through the mails. The Jaycees distributed more than 4,000 surveys to the community and have received over 1,100 responses.
In the first area, citizens indicated they would like their tax dollars spent in the following order: schools, sewers, roads, recreational facilities, and others.
The second area of interest were yes and no questions ... The percentage was as follows:
Tax bill split into two installments, 53.9 percent favored; Is vandalism a major problem on the Island? 51.4 percent indicated it was not; Does town government represent you well? Over 52.2 percent said yes; Do you feel your school tax dollar is spent efficiently? Over 54.9 percent indicated no. ...
30 Years Ago, May 7, 1982
Island cable begins underground work
Island Cable Inc. this week began its underground portion of construction by starting to bury cable necessary to activate the Regency Manor apartment complex. Favorable weather conditions have allowed an early start with the process expected to continue through the spring and early summer months.
Many residents have expressed concern about the method of construction and any potential damage, which may be caused. ... A vibrating saw is used to separate the surface and place the cable in the opening. A spokesman explained when the process is completed the separation is closed and very little ground disturbance can be seen.
Within the next few weeks, Island Cable representative will be visiting neighborhoods serviced by underground wiring in an effort to explain the process to residents affected by this type of construction. Islanders are urged to carefully read, sign and return easement request forms, which they will receive in the mail, because forms must be received from all residents in that area.
20 Years Ago, May 15, 1992
Isle business growth adds to tax base
A total of $9,000,385 of assessed valuation has been added to the town tax base by companies that have located on the Island since 1987 through the efforts of the Grand Island Economic and Development Corporation and advisory board, according to statistics disclosed this week.
Listed are Roberts Marine Corp., Fast By Gast, Annex Corporation, ARS Service, GP-50, Inducon of Grand Island 1 and 2, Hossis Boss Agency headquarters, the Health Care Plan and VIP Pharmaceutical. Also to be added when completed is the assessed valuation of the three buildings now under construction by Grimm Associates on Baseline Road. ...
"To this end we have provided some $9 million-plus of assessed valuation for the Town of Grand Island, increased business for Island businesses and sales tax revenue, and in so doing, have scarcely impacted the school system," a GIEDC report said. The report noted the industrial and commercial expansion of Grand Island benefits either directly or indirectly, every resident of Grand Island.
10 Years Ago, May 10, 2002
Firefighters 'kick off' 2002 fund drive
By now, most Island residents have received Grand Island Fire Co. fund drive letters, asking for contributions, which will help to offset "extraordinary" expenses, and/or purchases, according to Board Chairman Gail Lazenby.
Lazenby noted that one such unforeseen expense was the recent replacement of a marine rescue unit (boat), which sustained damage during February 2002. Approximately $8,000 was needed to acquire a new Zodiac Mark 3-ZR inflatable boat so that water rescue efforts would not be compromised. ...