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Election 2023: Dan Kilmer announces candidacy for Grand Island Town Board


Sat, Jun 17th 2023 07:00 am

Submitted by Dan Kilmer

Grand Island is a fantastic place to live, and I feel fortunate to be here next to the mighty Niagara River. I am married to Michele (Floro) Kilmer, who’s lived on the Island for 24 years, I have four children from a previous marriage, and Michele has two children. We are also proud owners of two dogs: Bravo and Phoebe.

I am a retired 38-year veteran who proudly served our country in the Navy, Army and Air National Guard. In 2000, I was appointed deputy supervisor of the Town of Lewiston, and in 2002 I was elected to the Lewiston Town Board. My record of accomplishments supports the fact that I am a fiscally conservative Republican. For example:

•Modern Disposal: I initiated the renegotiation of their contract that saved taxpayers $1M over my term in office and over $2.5M total. Lewiston is a smaller town, so this was a substantial savings.

•As councilman, I initiated the hire of a new recreation director with the goal to improve the town’s recreation program, including putting in place new programs for our residents, programs that generated fees that would offset his salary. The goal was fully met, resulting in both improved programs for residents and at minimal-to-no-cost to taxpayers.

•As councilman, I supported town residents’ concerns in stopping two bureaucrats from getting overly expensive town cars. I successfully pushed to have them get cheaper cars … to be used for only town business.

•As councilman, I learned that Town Board members often are pressured into spending and increasing staffing as they seek to gain favor with town employees, friends and family.

Dan Kilmer (Submitted photo)


√ My mantra in 2002 was and still is “There is no difference between a tax-and-spend Democrat and a tax-and-spend Republican. It was true in 2002 and it is true today. This is what differentiates me from my opponents, who are “RINOs.”

I am running for Town Council in the June 27 Republican primary, and am running with Mike Madigan (candidate for town supervisor). Our platform’s goal is to “Keep Grand Island Affordable for Seniors, Middle Class, and Young Families,” and to better represent our residents as a board. Our commitment to residents includes the following:

√ We will propose suspending the costly Islandwide property reassessment and determine a more appropriate frequency. (Every 10 years perhaps?)

√ We will not override the tax cap. We are true fiscal conservatives. Pete Marston and Tom Digati voted “yes” to a 5% property tax increase, double the cap limit, without first proposing even one spending cut – not one!

√ We will not be bought by developers or special interests. We are self-funded, unlike our opponents.

√ We will appoint a Citizen Planning and Zoning Advisory Committee. We seek to bring the voices of the residents of Grand Island to the table when it comes to big developers coming to Grand Island.

√ We will appoint a Citizens Finance Committee to look at all aspects of town expenses, debt and investments focused on pro-active management.

√ We will propose an anti-nepotism policy focused on mitigating the risk of a qualified Grand Island resident being passed up for a town job.

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