Thu, Aug 29th 2013 04:20 pm
Work continues on the new science, technology, engineering and mathematics wing at Grand Island High School.
Mon, Aug 26th 2013 06:00 pm
Grand Islander Bob Weaver of Bob Weaver Motorsports took home three national trophies at the Vintage Snowmobile Club of America's eighth annual Vintage Snowmobile Show in Boonville.
Fri, Aug 23rd 2013 03:10 pm
An Island mon's frustration with her third-grader's math homework was the inspiration for a new product.
Fri, Aug 16th 2013 04:10 pm
No one is happier about the new addition to Grand Island High School than the teachers who will teach in it.
Fri, Aug 16th 2013 04:10 pm
Grand Island's Jodie White wants to be a musician. She will use her scholarship from the Grand Island Professional Women's Chapter, New York State Women, to attend SUNY Fredonia to major in music education. Her classes start Aug. 26.
Fri, Aug 16th 2013 04:05 pm
Students going back to school received an assist from a local business on Saturday.
Fri, Aug 16th 2013 04:00 pm
The Grand Island Town Board has proclaimed Aug. 16 as National Airborne Day on the Island.
Fri, Aug 16th 2013 04:00 pm
The first-ever CROP Walk for Hunger car wash took place Saturday at Adrian's Custard and Beef on Grand Island Boulevard.
Thu, Aug 8th 2013 11:05 am
The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation has extended the deadline for two separate requests for proposals at Beaver Island State Park for food, beverage and catering operations, as well as operation of the golf course and food and beverage at the State Park golf course. The revised due date for both RFPs is 2 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23.
Fri, Aug 2nd 2013 06:45 pm
The Miracle League of Grand Island and Western New York held another feature game with celebrity buddies.
Mon, Jul 29th 2013 07:00 am
Three Grand Island residents will host the "The Three Cousins Art Show" beginning Aug. 3. Angelo F. LaDuca, Thomas A. Insana and Marilyn L. Wilson, all cousins, will host an art show at the Partners In Art Gallery in North Tonawanda.
Fri, Jul 26th 2013 08:15 pm
The eighth annual "Paddles Up Niagara," hosted by the Niagara River Greenway Commission at Beaver Island State Park, will take place along the southeastern shores of Grand Island on Saturday, July 27.
Fri, Jul 19th 2013 04:05 pm
The Zonta Club of Grand Island presented four $750 scholarships and the 2013 Spirit Award at the club's annual Scholarship Dinner held at the Buffalo Launch Club on June 25.
Fri, Jul 19th 2013 04:00 pm
Independence Day week was full of class reunions, family reunions, friends getting together, smiles and laughter this year. The Corrao family of Grand Island was no different, only more so.
Fri, Jul 19th 2013 04:00 pm
Jo and Paul Klock of East River Road celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with family and friends at the Mary Star of the Sea Council No. 4752 Knights of Columbus Hall. A party with a Hawaiian theme was enjoyed by a gathering of an estimated 120 people.
Mon, Jul 15th 2013 01:45 pm
Compu-Mail, a direct marketing and printing service, has been recognized in the 2013 Premier Print Awards for outstanding achievement in the production of variable data digital printing. Compu-Mail's 2013 desk calendar, featuring variable data and images, and highly personalized campaign mailing earned two certificates of merit for the company.
Sat, Jul 6th 2013 07:00 am
Dr. Joshua Smith of Serene Gardens on Grand Island Boulevard is hoping the Grand Island Garden Tour will open some horizons when it debuts July 6 and 7, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
"It's the first time Grand Island's been a part of the national garden tour," Smith said. "It's all free for everyone to join as well as free for everyone to visit the tour, visit the houses."
Fri, Jul 5th 2013 12:50 pm
The eighth annual "Paddles Up Niagara," presented by the Niagara River Greenway Commission - the organization that initially created a 25-mile length paddle-sport trail in the Niagara River in 2006 - is to take place along the southeastern shores of Grand Island on Saturday, July 27.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:15 pm
Last week signaled the end of the 2012-13 school year at Grand Island schools and featured ceremonies and events marking the occasion. Graduation week culminated with a commencement ceremony for the Grand Island Class of 2013 at Artpark in the Village of Lewiston.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:15 pm
The annual Father's Day Lawn Mower Race on the Island's West River took place over the weekend to raise money for the Grand Island Relay For Life in its ongoing support of the American Cancer Society.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:10 pm
Two coaches at Grand Island High School were among those honored at the 76th annual Niagara Frontier League banquet held at the Tonawanda Castle.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:00 pm
The monthly meeting of the Niagara Frontier Corvair Club took place at Adrian's. There were eight vintage Corvairs on display among many other muscle and collectable cars all enjoying the monthly cruise night at Adrian's. The great weather and food socializing with other car guys made it a very enjoyable evening.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:00 pm
Students from the Grand Island Dance Center entertained at Artpark's Fairy House Festival earlier this month.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 04:00 pm
A student rally at St. Stephen School was held recently to honor Donna Ende as she retires as principal of St. Stephen School. The students, parents, and staff at St. Stephen School are thanking Ende for 12 years of service as the school's beloved principal.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:55 pm
Grand Island High School held is senior prom at Salvatore's Italian Gardens, and the theme was "Masquerade.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:55 pm
Claudia O'Neil, left, and Dorothy Garcia prepare for a meat raffle at the Sandy Beach Yacht Club's Father's Day dinner, which was held on Friday, June 14.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:40 pm
The students at St. Stephen School performed their Spring Concert in the parish church.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:40 pm
The Golden Age Center Travel Club continues to plan more day trips.
On Monday, July 15, there is a trip planned to visit Valvo's Candy Factory, participate in a cookie taste contest at Petrie's Baking Product, enjoy lunch at the elegant White House Inn and do a little wine tasting at Merrit Estate Winery. All this and more included for $90.
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:40 pm
Christopher Simpson, adviser of the Venture Yearbook at the high school, has announced that his staff has completed fundraising activities and continued its long tradition of giving back to the community
Fri, Jun 28th 2013 03:40 pm
At the last meeting of the Grand Island American Legion Post No. 1346, the new officers for 2013-14 were installed.
Tue, Jun 18th 2013 01:35 pm
Sidway Elementary School recently held its first-grade field day and kindergarten picnic.
Tue, Jun 18th 2013 01:25 pm
The New York State Senate is expected to act on the "Public Assistance Integrity Act," sponsored by Sen. Tom Libous (R-C-I-Binghamton) and co-sponsored by Sen. Mark Grisanti (R-I-Buffalo).
Thu, Jun 13th 2013 05:05 pm
The Grand Island Chamber of Commerce will host the 17th annual KidBiz Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, June 22, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Town Commons.
KidBiz will give young entrepreneurs the opportunity to learn various aspects of running a business. Topics such as pricing, marketing and customer service were covered at a training event.
Thu, Jun 13th 2013 05:00 pm
Islander Justin Hoffman and Hospice Buffalo have joined for two Hoffspice fundraisers, one set for Sept. 14 at the Grand Island VFW that will include food and entertainment. The second is the upcoming Hoffspice Golf Classic on Monday, June 17, at the River Oaks Golf Club, 201 Whitehaven Road, beginning at 2 p.m. Admission to the event is $120, with all proceeds to support Hospice Buffalo.
The golf event will include 18 holes of golf with a cart (a four-man scramble format), lunch, dinner, a long drive contest, a closest-to-the-pin contest, a 50/50 split raffle and a Chinese auction.
Thu, Jun 13th 2013 04:10 pm
Ten years ago, AnnMarie Salviski was diagnosed with stage three breast cancer. She said that the diagnosis frightened her.
Tue, Jun 4th 2013 01:15 pm
VIDEO: A utility truck caught fire in the right lane of the northbound North Grand Island Bridge Tuesday morning.
Fri, May 31st 2013 02:25 pm
As part of its grand re-opening celebration, Grand Island Tops donated $500 to each of five Island organizations at the store's ribbon-cutting for its recent $1.4 million remodeling.
Fri, May 31st 2013 02:10 pm
The Zonta Club of Grand Island installed its 2013-14 officers Tuesday, May 14, in a ceremony at Dick & Jenny's.
Fri, May 31st 2013 02:00 pm
Grand Island Tops Friendly Market recently celebrated the completion of a $1.4 million renovation project.
Fri, May 31st 2013 02:00 pm
Bald for Bucks fundraising leaders Sarah and Chris Swagler recently took part in their final event at Connor Middle School.