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GI Rotary to take part in upcoming Taste of Grand Island
Sat, Sep 21st 2019 07:00 am
The Rotary Club of Grand Island will be participating at this year's Taste of Grand Island on Sept. 28 and once again it will be preparing and selling Empanada's from its booth as it raises funds for its annual high school student scholarship awards in the spring and its commitment to help maintain the Miracle League field and handicapped playground.
Grand Island Town Board: Southpointe development on hold
Sat, Sep 21st 2019 07:00 am
Town Supervisor Nathan McMurray announced Thursday that the proposed Southpointe development project is "dead" and that the developers have informed him it will not move forward.
Flynn, Brown, Buffalo Police encourage city residents to enroll in SafeCam program
Thu, Sep 19th 2019 08:05 pm
Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn was joined by Mayor Byron Brown and Capt. Jeff Rinaldo of the Buffalo Police Department to encourage citizens to participate in Buffalo SafeCam. The program seeks to promote public safety by allowing city residents to register their home and business surveillance cameras with the BPD to assist in solving crimes.
Golf event to benefit GI family
Sat, Sep 14th 2019 07:00 am
OneChurch, in conjunction with Destroyer Park Golf, will host a fundraiser to benefit an Island family involved in a tragic motor vehicle accident.
Board recognizes Connor Middle School Where Everybody Belongs
Sat, Sep 14th 2019 07:00 am
In just the first week of school, a new program at Veronica Connor Middle School has made a major impact, the Board of Education was told at its Monday meeting.
Pink Bag Ladies at Trinity receive American Legion donation
Sat, Sep 14th 2019 07:00 am
Because women are serving in all the armed services, all around the world, Trinity United Methodist Church Pink Bag Ladies, members of Trinity United Methodist Women, have been donating health care items to lady veterans for many years.
69 years (and counting) for Yockeys
Sat, Sep 14th 2019 07:00 am
Grace and Bill Yockey of Grand Island are celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary Sept. 16, 2019. A true example of love and dedication to one another and respect for marriage, their commitment, dignity, and helping others, they are role models for all.
GNBC to hold 'Nutcracker' auditions
Sat, Sep 14th 2019 07:00 am
With it comes "The Nutcracker," the Greater Niagara Ballet Company's annual family-friendly holiday presentation. The Beverley Feder-directed show features local dancers, guest artists and character performers. It will be staged Dec. 13-14 at the Niagara Falls High School Performing Arts Center.
Health & wellness open house event at People Inc. Marigold Senior Living on Grand Island
Tue, Sep 10th 2019 09:40 am
Numerous activities will be available at the People Inc. Marigold Senior Living at the health and wellness open house event on Thursday, Sept. 12. The free event will take place from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at 3026 Grand Island Blvd. It is geared for older adults and their families.
Southpointe: Developer reiterates points about project
Sat, Sep 7th 2019 07:00 am
In a letter to the Island Dispatch this week, the owner and developer of the Southpointe project reiterated key points his management team made at an introductory informational meeting held at Town Hall last Monday.
Grand Island Chamber of Commerce: Sponsorships have begun for 2019 Light Up the Boulevard Parade
Sat, Sep 7th 2019 07:00 am
The holiday season is quickly approaching and planning for the eighth annual Grand Island Light Up the Boulevard Electric Parade and Festival has begun. This annual family event is a joint venture between the Grand Island Chamber of Commerce, the Town of Grand Island, and the Grand Island Recreation Department.
Erie County: ZOMBIES Initiative created by Kearns
Sat, Sep 7th 2019 07:00 am
Erie County Clerk Michael P. "Mickey" Kearns has announced the creation of the Erie County Clerk's ZOMBIES Initiative. The initiative kicked off after an agreement was signed between Erie County and the Western New York Law Center.
Grand Island musician wins blues competition
Sat, Sep 7th 2019 07:00 am
Michael DeLano, a 17-year-old member of the Grand Island High School and Erie 1 BOCES Harkness senior class, won the Blues Society of WNY's Memphis Bound competition for solo artist at Sportsmen's Tavern in Buffalo on Aug. 28.
New York State Division of Consumer Protection issues alert
Fri, Sep 6th 2019 03:30 pm
The New York State Division of Consumer Protection is alerting consumers of an increase in phone scammers purporting to be from official state agencies attempting to steal personal information from unsuspecting victims.
Autumn schedule set for Seniors Hiking Club
Thu, Sep 5th 2019 07:00 am
The Erie County Department of Parks, Recreation and Forestry, in conjunction with the Department of Senior Services, has announced the autumn 2019 schedule for the Seniors Hiking Club. Building on the success of the club's debut last spring, the autumn series of free weekly hikes geared toward seniors will begin on Sept. 12.
W.O.W. returns to Grand Island
Wed, Sep 4th 2019 07:00 am
With the 2019-20 season, Women of the Word begin their 32nd year of interdenominational Christian Bible study on Grand Island. Hosted by Trinity United Methodist Church, 2100 Whitehaven Road, the ladies of W.O.W. will study the Old Testament books of Exodus, Judges and Ruth. The premier celebration is Thursday, Sept. 12, beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Niagara Frontier Antique & Classic Boat Show returning to Buffalo Launch Club
Tue, Sep 3rd 2019 01:00 pm
The Niagara Frontier Antique & Classic Boat Show returns to the Buffalo Launch Club on Grand Island this weekend. The 41st annual event runs from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 7, and is one of the largest antique and classic boat shows in North America.
Grand Island Town Board: New Southpointe plan has first airing at info meeting
Sat, Aug 31st 2019 07:00 am
Islanders at an informational meeting about the Southpointe development project echoed the voices from 20 years ago when they raised similar concerns about the project's potential impact on the environment and traffic.
Burrata Rooftop Bistro opens on top of Grand Island Holiday Inn Express
Sat, Aug 31st 2019 07:00 am
The most heavily attended ribbon-cutting ceremony in recent memory greeted the new Burrata Rooftop Bistro at the Holiday Inn Express Friday.
Ag and Farming Committee to meet Sept. 18
Sat, Aug 31st 2019 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island received a farmland protection planning grant from the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets in late 2018 and since that time the town's Agriculture and Farming Planning Committee has been working on developing a resource guide with local consultants. This guide aims to provide greater clarification on what constitutes agriculture on the Island along with goals for the future of farming in the community.
Grand Island Central School District: Is your mailbox ready for school with visible address numbers?
Sat, Aug 31st 2019 07:00 am
For just a few dollars, Islanders can speed up a safe pickup and drop-off of children for school.
Buffalo & Erie County Greenway Standing Committee to adopt 2020 grant schedule, revised protocols, on Sept. 5
Tue, Aug 27th 2019 03:35 pm
The next meeting of the Buffalo and Erie County Greenway Fund Standing Committee will be at 9 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 5, at the Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, 726 Exchange St., Suite 525, Buffalo. The meeting is open to the public. The agenda includes adoption of the 2020 grant schedule and revised protocols for applicants who are seeking Greenway project funding.
WNY Welcome Center hosts GI Farmers Market Thursday evenings
Sat, Aug 24th 2019 07:00 am
The Grand Island Farmers Market has moved to a new location this summer, the Western NY Welcome Center on Grand Island, and is held on Thursday evenings.
Elected officials say 'thanks' to town employees
Sat, Aug 24th 2019 07:00 am
Elected officials of the Town of Grand Island manned the barbecue and serving tables Tuesday to say "Thank you" to the town's employees and retirees at a picnic in the Town Commons.
Benefit for Maras family
Sat, Aug 24th 2019 07:00 am
Island Kids Child Care Center, Preschool & Pre-K, 1353 Ransom Road, will host a fundraiser for the Maras family of Grand Island, who were involved in a fatal car accident Aug. 17 in the Adirondacks.
Grand Island Town Board: Southpointe development back again
Sat, Aug 24th 2019 07:00 am
Southpointe, the dormant 284-acre development conceived in the 1990s and approved in 1997, is back for a reaffirmation by the Grand Island Town Board.
Erie County DA Flynn alerts law enforcement, school districts to changes under 'Red Flag Law'
Fri, Aug 23rd 2019 04:30 pm
Erie County District Attorney John J. Flynn spoke with the media to inform citizens about the "Red Flag Law" that goes into effect this weekend. The legislation allows certain authorities to file a petition to the court to prevent an individual who poses a potential threat to themselves or others from possessing, purchasing or attempting to purchase guns.
Grimes celebrate 65th anniversary
Sat, Aug 17th 2019 07:00 am
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Grimes, residents of Grand Island since 1969, will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 8.
Rabies detected on Grand Island
Sat, Aug 17th 2019 07:00 am
The Erie County Department of Health has announced that two animals on Grand Island tested positive for rabies.
Dr. Ruth lauded for 49-year career on Grand Island
Sat, Aug 17th 2019 07:00 am
Dr. Willard Ruth came to Grand Island early in his medical career to be close to family, not imagining he would work in one town for nearly five decades.
Grand Island Board of Education: Huth Road Elementary PTA president blasts principal search process
Sat, Aug 10th 2019 07:10 am
The Huth Road Elementary School PTA president blasted the hiring process undertaken by the Grand Island Central School District after the Board of Education filled the vacant principal job at the school.
15 from Trinity United Methodist Church go on mission trip to North Carolina
Sat, Aug 10th 2019 07:05 am
Ever hear of a natural disaster in the news and wonder what can be done to help? Fifteen members of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island just returned from Wilmington, North Carolina, from a week's visit to restore dignity, hope and safe living conditions for three families whose lives changed last September.
Erie County Legislature: Hardwick assesses county roadwork
Sat, Aug 10th 2019 07:00 am
Preparation for the rehabilitation of Baseline Road on Grand Island has commenced, starting with a total shoulder reconstruction to help alleviate previous drainage issues that existed on the two-and-a-half-mile stretch being repaired by Erie County this year. According to Erie County Legislator Kevin Hardwick, who represents Grand Island in the Erie County Legislature, the portion from Whitehaven to East River will require decreased speed and additional caution while the work takes place.
Kelly's Country Store hosts weekly Food Truck Friday Night
Sat, Aug 10th 2019 07:00 am
On Friday, Aug. 2, Kelly's Country Store at 3121 Grand Island Blvd. on Grand Island hosted the second of its weekly Food Truck Friday Night from 5-8 p.m. The week's food truck options include five local favorites: Anderson's, Dirty Bird, Hawaiian BBQ, Maria's Bene Cibo, Sassi Cakes and Nickel City Vice.
Jacobs calls for suspension of Grand Island tolls until Canadian drivers pay 'fair share'
Fri, Aug 9th 2019 06:00 pm
New York State Sen. Chris Jacobs is calling on the New York State Thruway Authority to stop charging tolls at the Grand Island bridges until Canadian drivers are also required to pay tolls.
Higgins seeking community's help to find family of late Purple Heart recipient Henry Mazurkiewicz
Wed, Aug 7th 2019 02:00 pm
Congressman Brian Higgins is looking for the community's help in identifying the family of the late Corp. Henry Mazurkiewicz, who served in the U.S. Army during World War II.
Grand Island Board of Education: Meeting set to fill principal vacancy
Sat, Aug 3rd 2019 07:00 am
The Grand Island Board of Education will meet Aug. 7 to consider filling the vacant principal position at Huth Road Elementary School.
Town of Grand Island: Update in the works for LWRP; kickoff meeting Aug. 14
Sat, Aug 3rd 2019 07:00 am
The Town of Grand Island has begun the process of updating the 2006 Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and invites residents to attend the public kickoff meeting to learn about the process and plan.
Whitney running for supervisor
Sat, Aug 3rd 2019 07:00 am
It is with excitement and humility that I submit to you my candidacy announcement for Grand Island town supervisor. I am honored that both the Republican and Independence parties have chosen me as their endorsed candidate, and I hope that in reviewing my credentials and practical experience serving Grand Island you will support me as well at the ballot box this November.
Frentzel seeks re-election
Sat, Aug 3rd 2019 07:00 am
Patricia "Pattie" Frentzel has announced her candidacy for re-election for the office of Town Clerk.

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