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Plan reflects modest spending increase, slight drop in taxes
√ Town Rec announces fall events
By Terry Duffy
Among a handful of items at Monday’s regular meeting, the Lewiston Town Board received the town’s 2024 preliminary budget for review.
“All of the department heads have been very cooperative, worked very hard. … This budget is very realistic,” commented Jacqueline Agnello, town finance/budget director as she presented the plan.
By the numbers, the preliminary 2024 budget plan totals $20,060,262 in overall spending (appropriations and special districts) – a modest increase – and $3,911,495 to be raised by taxes, which is down slightly from last year. The 2023 adopted town budget, by comparison, totaled $19,254,094 in spending and a $4,092,157 impact on taxes.
Broken down, the 2024 plan (which includes department requests) finds the following account appropriation numbers and their tax impacts: A, Lewiston general, $3,019,190 and $530,245 to be raised by taxes; B, Lewiston general/outside village, $3,692,604 and $0 to be raised by taxes; DB, highway/drainage – town outside village, $4,142,313 and $196,232; and SS 1, Water Pollution Control Center, $2,520,548 and $0 impact on taxes. Subtotals are $13,374,655 (appropriations) and $726,477 (raised by taxes).
In special districts, the numbers include: S10, French Landing drainage, $5,350 in spending and $5,350 to be raised by taxes; SF, fire protection, $1,624,137 and $1,514,169; SL, Lewiston Heights gas, $15,000 and $15,000; SR, refuse-Lewiston outside village, $429,000 and $419,100; SS2, Lewiston MSIA, $1,821,497 and $222,722; SS3, Lewiston south sewer IA, $165,131 and $78,440; and SW1, Lewiston water improvement, $2,669,436 and $977,946. Subtotals in the category are $6,729,851 (spending) and $3,232,727 (taxes).
Other numbers in the plan show the following salaries for the town’s elected officials. This includes town highway superintendent, $78,218; town clerk, $68,163; and town supervisor, $46,707. It was reported that Supervisor Steve Broderick, who is retired from the Niagara County Sheriff’s Office, currently accepts an annual salary of $35,000, with a salary waiver of $11,707. Other town officials salaries are: town justices (two), $30,537 each; and the town’s four council members, $15,444 each.
Agnello reported an assessed valuation total of $161,428,248 for Village of Lewiston properties and $739,341,359 for the Town of Lewiston outside village account. The total valuation for both municipalities is $900,769,605.
Over coming weeks, Town Board members will review the numbers toward adoption, which is expected in mid-November. The town would then submit its approved plan to the secretary of state by the Nov. 20 deadline.
For more information on the town budget, visit townoflewiston.us and click on “Budget,” under “Departments,” then “2024 budget.”
In other news from the board session:
•Recreation Director Tim Smith announced plans for a “Festifall” celebration, from 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 14, at Kiwanis Park. A family event, residents are invited to enjoy the fall season with a number of activities, including pumpkin painting, fall crafts and candy bar BINGO.
“ ‘Trunk or Treat’ is Saturday, Oct. 28, at Kiwanis. We’ll also have activities for families and their kids,” Smith said. He added the Rec Department invites families to be part of this ‘Trunk or Treat’ happening. For more information on this and other fall events, visit the Recreation Department online at lewistonsports.com, check its Facebook page, or contact Smith at 716-754-8213.
•The Town Board approved a $3,000 contract stipend for the Sanborn Fire Company Band for the coming year, down $2,000 from last year’s contract.
“The Sanborn Band contract, they reduced it from $5,000 to $3,000,” Broderick said. “They’re not going to be doing any more marching activities; it will only be stand-alone concerts.”