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Story and Photo by Alice Gerard
On the rain-spattered morning of April 29, six volunteers hung up “dozens of bows around Town Commons, Town Hall, and the main firehall,” said Lynn Marston Dingey, co-chair of Relay For Life. She said the group used at least five rolls of ribbons to complete the project.
“We also hung a purple ribbon on the tree in the entrance garden and the Garden of Hope at Veterans Park,” Dingey said, adding, “All the ribbon was provided by Flower A Day, and they were even generous enough to make up a roll of bows for us. The rain didn’t slow us down.”
Dingey said purple bows are available for sale at the Charles N. DeGlopper Memorial VFW Post 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., and at DeSignet, 1869 Whitehaven Road. Small bows are available for sale at Northwest Bank, 2300 Grand Island Blvd. Large bows cost $5 and small bows cost $1.
“We encourage everyone to hang a purple bow or ribbon on their mailbox, tree, desk at work or anywhere to show cancer survivors you support them in their fight,” Dingey said.
“Carnival for Hope” is scheduled for 2-7 p.m. June 4 at Town Commons. It is the first full Relay For Life event since 2019. There will be food available, vendors with Relay-themed goods for sale, a beer tent, a dinner for all cancer survivors, entertainment, a basket raffle, and a Kid Zone.