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By Kacie Conti
Special to Niagara Frontier Publications
While quarantine is ruining peoples’ plans for having fun in the sun and destroying family reunions and birthday parties, there’s a few different ways you can keep the boredom away and stay busy during quarantine. From streaming and video calling, to doing puzzles and getting a head start on spring cleaning, this quarantine is making people get creative with how to spend their free time.
From Netflix and Hulu to YouTube and Disney+, streaming has become an essential part of surviving the quarantine. Whether it’s bingeing your favorite show, or starting a new series, it’s one of the easiest ways to pass the time.
√ Netflix is a popular streaming platform that started gaining traction in 2007 and has only grown since then. With its original shows and movies, to classics like “The Office” or “That 70’s Show,” you’ll never run out of things to watch.
√ Hulu is a newer streaming service that started in 2007 and works a lot like Netflix. Hulu also makes original shows such as “The Handmaid’s Tale.” They also have shows like “South Park” and “The Good Doctor.” Between Hulu and Netflix, your thirst for dramatic and suspenseful TV shows will be quenched.
√ Disney+ is a great option if you have little kids at home, or just want to revisit the classics yourself. From old movies to new, Disney+ always has something to watch. Whether you prefer the classic animated films or the new CGI movies, you can always find something to keep you entertained.
√ YouTube is always a good option if you’re looking for a video about a certain topic, or just want to watch an assortment of different kinds of videos. You can find videos of all types, ranging from learning to knit, ski or build a bench. You could learn how to sew a face mask, or even try to paint like Bob Ross.
Learning Something New
Learning something new is a great way to pass the time in quarantine. There are a million different things you can learn how to do, especially with access to the internet. You can start learning a new language, or how to cook that new recipe you’ve been meaning to try. You could learn how to loft your bed, or how to work a lawnmower. YouTube is a great place to look for information when you’re trying to learn new things.
Read a Book
Something fun to do can be as simple as finally reading that book you got ages ago. You kept putting it off because you didn’t have the time, and now all you have is time! So, go grab a comfy blanket, a nice cup of coffee, and settle in to read your book.
Lauren White has been using her free time to work her way through her book collection that she’s been neglecting.
White says that reading makes her “feel like I’m in a different time and place, where corona isn’t a problem and people can be closer than 6 feet.”
Reading a good book can be like you’re in a different place, and it will almost transport you when you get immersed into the story.
Do a Puzzle
Everyone has at least one puzzle in their house. So, go ahead and do it! Find a clear spot on the floor or on a table where it’s not going to be in the way and get started. It may take you a while to finish, but you have nothing but time now. One good tip is to start with the outer edges, it makes the puzzle easier.
Connecting with Family
One thing my friends and I are doing to keep in touch is video calling! There’s a ton of different platforms you can use to do this, and most don’t have a limit on how many people can join a call.
One option is Zoom, which is my family’s go-to app to have their mini-reunions and check in on everyone.
Another good option is FaceTime for your friends with iPhones. It’s easy to do right from your phone, and you don’t need to sign up for anything.
Another option is Google Meet. This is through Google, and while you do need a Google account for this to work, it’s easy to access and works if you can open a Chrome tab on your device.
Another way to keep in touch with family and friends is to connect on social media. There’s a lot of different media platforms you can connect with families on, one of the most popular being Facebook.
Joanne Orr is at high risk from the virus, so she’s been using social media a lot to stay connected with the world.
Orr says, “Thank God for Facebook, I feel connected to people even though they’re so far away.”
Social media is a great way for you to stay connected with family especially for your more technologically challenged relatives like grandparents and parents.
Spring Cleaning
While you’re quarantined in your house, what’s better to do then clean? Since no one is supposed to leave their homes unless they have to, now is the perfect time to get a head start on spring cleaning. This way, when the quarantine is over, you can wow all your family when they come over to visit and find a spotless house.
Try Some Art
An easy thing to try is art! You can draw a picture or try your hand at painting if you have some paint on hand. It doesn’t have to look good; it just has to be fun! You can draw a stick person and a pretty tree, or if you’re feeling ambitious you can make landscape drawing. If you don’t know where to start, you can find many different tutorials of all different kinds on the internet to show you how to make what you’re looking to make.
Jessie Abrams has been doing a lot of art during the quarantine.
Abrams says she’s been using her free time to “expand my creativity and using art as an outlet for the stress I’ve been feeling.”
Doing some art is a great way to destress and try your hand at creating some art.
When you’re feeling antsy from being stuck in your house for so long, exercising is a great way to get rid of some of that energy. While you may not have the equipment you need to lift weights, you can make a great at-home fitness routine to work on your cardio and endurance.
Students like Ben Scoins have been working out a lot during quarantine.
Scoins says, “Quarantine has inspired me to work harder on getting fit so I feel better about myself.”
Exercising is a great way to feel more confident in yourself and get that summer body you’ve been hearing so much about. You can work on improving your flexibility, and surprise everyone when quarantine ends with your ability to do a split.
Go for a Walk
While you aren’t supposed to be around people or going anywhere if you can help it, a walk is always a good way to get some fresh air. You can do a couple circles around the block – wearing your face mask, of course. If you switch what side of the road you’re walking on when you see someone else walking, you’ll always be maintaining the 6 feet of social distance, and still be able to enjoy the sunshine.
Niagara Frontier Publications works with the Niagara University communication studies department to publish the capstone work of students in CMS 120A-B.
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