Town of Lewiston to increase tax rate 11 percent
By Terry Duffy
Property owners in the Town of Lewiston can anticipate a tax increase for 2019.
As it stands, the town budget totals $17,920,656. It carries an average 11 percent increase in the tax rate following the Town Board's approval Oct. 22 to override the state-imposed 2 percent tax cap on municipalities. (See related story
As far as its impact to Lewiston property owners, that basically depends on where in the town a property owner's address is, according to Jacqueline A. Agnello, town finance/budget director.
"The tax rate - it does vary according to where you live," Agnello said. "It depends on where your property is located."
Agnello explained that, due to the situation of varying town appropriations covering certain areas and not others - also known as special districts spending - that amount appropriated for town operations (as well as the tax rate placed on property owners) will also differ. She said that, based on an average residential property assessment of $90,000, the Town Board-approved tax cap override resulted in the aforementioned 11 percent tax rate increase for 2019. That translates into an estimated $50 per $100,000 of assessed valuation increase in property taxes for next year.
As far as any possible changes in coming weeks to the town's $17.920 million spending plan, Agnello said, "We're still looking; it's still being reviewed."
The adopted town budget will be submitted to the state comptroller's office by Nov. 20. It is available for review online at Click on the budget department icon to see the latest numbers.
In other news, Lewiston Town Board members will hold a work session starting at 6 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 15, with three public hearings. These include one for a site plan/special use permit for the Bella Rose Winery on Ridge Road; one for placement of an electronic sign for Lewiston Fire Co. No. 1; and one covering the Rubino brothers' proposed subdivision on Bronson and Upper Mountain roads. The Town Board work session follows.
Editor's note: The Sentinel incorrectly listed the increase as $50 per $1,000.