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The 2015 Grand Island Relay For Life held its annual kickoff ceremony with the theme "One World, One Hope ... Imagine Our World with a Cure."
Danielle Gworek speaks on behalf of her son, Luke, the 2015 honorary survivor for the Grand Island Relay For Life (pictured above). Just over one year ago, Luke, 8, was diagnosed with leukemia. His mother said Luke has since had two bone marrow biopsies, 20 spinal taps, blood and platelet transfusions, steroids every month, and antibiotics to fight infections.
"If all goes as planned, I will finish treatment for leukemia in April 2016," Danielle said for him. "I'm a survivor because I have support from my family, friends and community."
"I'm a survivor because my doctors dedicate their careers to research to helping kids like me."
In addition, the Gworek family is the honorary caregivers. They were introduced by their predecessors, Mary Dunbar-Daluisio and Casey Dahlstrom.
Relay For Life started in 1985, and this year will celebrate "30 years strong," said Lynn Dingey, pictured above. Now in its 13th year, the GI edition of Relay For Life is hoping to break the $1.5 million mark for funds raised in its lifetime.
The 2015 Relay For Life will take place overnight May 30-31 beginning at 4 p.m. May 30 followed by an opening ceremony at 6 p.m.
Luke Gworek