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Here are some signs that it is best to take away the keys. (Metro Creative Graphics)
Here are some signs that it is best to take away the keys. (Metro Creative Graphics)

Signs a person is unsafe to drive

Fri, Dec 20th 2024 06:55 am

Metro Creative Services

The end of a calendar year is a time of celebration. From Halloween to New Year’s Day, people attend an array of parties, dinners and other gatherings. Although alcohol is not a vital component of these occasions, quite frequently adult beverages are part of the equation. And when everyone is toasting for one reason or another, it can be easy for people to lose track of their alcohol consumption.

When everyone is laughing and reminiscing with drinks in hand, it can be challenging to determine if someone is impaired. However, it’s vital to recognize when someone is adversely affected by alcohol or other substances to the point that driving home would be reckless. That is why it is always important to have someone remain sober to gauge the sobriety of others.

Here are some signs that it is best to take away the keys.

•Slurred speech: Words starting to spill together is a classic sign that a person is intoxicated. While that person may not realize they are slurring, others who haven’t been drinking should be able to hear the difference between slurring and regular speech. This person is too drunk to drive.

•Poor coordination: Spilling drinks while pouring, tripping over one’s own feet or having trouble getting around also are signs a person has had too much to drink. When coordination is compromised, it is definitely harder to control a vehicle, and possibly deadly.

•Fatigue or drowsiness: Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant, which means that it can make a person feel sluggish and tired over time. Certain prescription medications or marijuana also may cause a person to feel fatigued and move in slow motion. This drowsiness is not good behind the wheel, as it may lead to slowed reaction times or even nodding off on the road.

•Memory and recall issues: Those who are inebriated may struggle to remember things or even lose their train of thought. Again, the act of driving requires careful concentration and knowledge of where one is going and the rules of the road. If memory issues have popped up, it’s time to collect the keys.

•A phone app says so: There are apps for all types of things these days, including ones that can determine if a person is intoxicated. Some apps monitor speech patterns while others may consider eye movements. In addition, driving simulator apps test if someone can handle being behind the wheel in his current state.

Of course, even if these signs aren’t present, a person can still be intoxicated past the legal limit for operating a motor vehicle. Rather than take a chance, if someone has had two drinks or more, it is safer to call a cab or grab a ride home from someone who hasn’t been drinking.

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