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The New York Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials (NYCOM), the statewide advocacy organization representing New York's cities and villages, released the following statement Sunday on the adoption of the fiscal year 2024-25 state budget:
“NYCOM is grateful that, after 15 years, the governor and the State Legislature agreed to an additional $50 million in unrestricted state aid for cities, villages and towns. Our members made their voices heard in every corner of the state, which led to a positive outcome not just for local governments, but for all of New York. We firmly believe that the only way to make our state safer, stronger and more affordable is by working together – and local officials are more than ready to do that. We are confident that the benefits of this increase will clearly demonstrate to our state leaders the value that comes from investing in their municipal partners, and hope that this will pave the way for consistent and meaningful support for our communities going forward.”