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Submitted by Niagara University
Niagara University’s student chapter of the Club Managers Association of America was named Student Chapter of the Year by the association at its 2024 World Conference and Club Business Expo, held March 4-8 in Las Vegas. This is the 13th time in its 15-year history that the NU group has been recognized as the top medium-sized chapter in the country.
The prestigious annual award is based on a series of factors, including the number and variety of educational programs offered, member employment and internships in clubs, membership growth, its relationship with the state chapter of CMAA, and member attendance at events.
“Being the Student Chapter of the Year is a great honor that recognizes the hard work and dedication of our student members and executive board,” said junior Molly Passow, president of the chapter. “Last year’s board set the chapter up for success through club tours, meetings with managers, our fundraiser dinner, and trips to develop our networks and knowledge of the club industry.”
"Throughout the past year, the Niagara chapter of CMAA has worked diligently in meeting all of the requirements that helped qualify them for the Chapter of the Year honors,” said Peter Florczak, hotel and club management coordinator. “The students should be very proud of their great accomplishment."
To earn the top spot, the students attended conferences, participated in externships and summer internships, attended weekly club meetings, and networked with professionals. At the conference, they participated in the “Idea Fair” and “Shark Tank” competitions to encourage creativity and hone their public speaking skills, in addition to attending educational seminars.
“All of these opportunities allow for student members to enhance their knowledge within the field and build professionalism that they can take with them in future endeavors,” Passow said.
Founded in 1927, the Club Management Association of America is the largest professional association for club management professionals. Its 6,800 members contribute to the success of more than 2,500 country, golf, athletic, city, faculty, military, town and yacht clubs. The objectives of the association are to promote relationships between club management professionals and other similar professions; to encourage the education and advancement of members; and to provide the resources needed for efficient and successful club operations.
To learn more about Niagara University’s CMAA student chapter, go to https://nucmaa.niagara.edu/.