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$7.4 million plan forecasts a 2% tax rate increase
Staff Reports
The Town of Porter Town Board reviewed the numbers Monday on its $7.4 million preliminary budget for 2024; enroute to a public hearing set for 6 p.m., Monday, Oct. 30, at Town Hall.
By the numbers, the preliminary budget reflects increase in overall town spending from a $5.6 million adopted plan for 2023. The 2024 budget calls for an increase of $0.4 cents per $1,000 in the tax rate to $2.099896 in assessed valuation for town property owners, up from $2.0587 (or 2%) from last year.
Supervisor John “Duffy” Johnston attributed the increase to higher expenses in the town and overall inflation costs.
“Everything costs more,” he said.
Johnston said town departments were instructed to prioritize their spending requests for next year and that, overall, Porter has held the line on its spending from throughout the pandemic. He estimated the town did see a $300,000 increase in its sales taxes over last year.
In return, Johnston said the 2024 plan would include a 3% across-the-board salary increase for all town employees. No such raises were given throughout the pandemic.
By the numbers, the plan finds the following appropriations and tax impact for town property owners.
General fund A – $1,571,626 with $861,786 to be raised by taxes, and a tax rate of $2.099896; general fund B – $1,217,235, and $0 to be raised by tax; highway DA-townwide – $717, and $0 tax rate impact; highway DB-outside village – $2,651,856, and $0 tax rate impact; Water Department – $546,911, and $0 tax rate impact; and Sewer Department – $540,756 and $0 tax rate impact.
Also, Ransomville light – $10,000 and $0.301959 tax rate impact; garbage refuse – $400,000 and a $201.61290/unit impact; Ransomville Fire – $261,000 and a $1.987453 tax rate impact; Youngstown Fire – $196,634 and $1.051788 tax rate impact; lakeshore sewer improvement area, phases I, II and III – $52,675 and $250/$50/$5 per unit impact; and Harrison Lane Road project, $12,125 and $575/$50 per unit impact.
The town said funding appropriations for the Youngstown Free Library and Ransomville Free Library would remain the same as last year, as would funding for the Youngstown and Ransomville garden clubs and for Old Fort Niagara. Johnston did indicate the town would be looking at reassessments in the future.
“The costs are up; it’s affecting all of us,” he said.
This Monday’s session is open to the public and residents are invited to attend.