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Grand Island makes political history with new groundswell candidate
Submitted by Wayne West
Many of you know me, but for those who do not, my name is Wayne West, and I am running for Grand Island Town Council.
“Go West” is my slogan because it is all in the name. West, W-E-S-T, stands for Workers, Education, Safety and Trust. I have a proven record of serving the community, including volunteering with local nonprofit organizations and providing instruction to over 1,000 Grand Island residents for safe driving and insurance reduction. From nonprofit and military service to real estate and corporate management, I have been dedicated to making a strong community that is an even better place to raise a family.
•Workers are represented by our seniors, who have put their time into doing the work, raising our families, and building a stronger community. As they move from labor to refreshment, to retirement and beyond, we owe them, and I will not forget them.
•Education is symbolized by our youth, our future, but also by new and different ideas that can provide environmentally friendly economic growth. In order for us to continue to thrive, we are going to have to learn how to change. We can either manage the change or the change will manage Grand Island. Ask Kmart, Blockbuster, Sears and Roebucks, to name a few. My style is that of an educator. In the days ahead, you will hear me talk about people and ideas that were bold enough to turn a negative to a positive through incremental changes, such as the Forever Stamp, the Million Dollar Olive and the 5,000,000.00 Dollar Penny. Sometimes in order to get the right answer, you must ask the right questions.
•Safety is one of the hallmarks of local government. Often this means creating an environment of excellence in order for service providers, such as first responders, returning veterans, and health care providers, to perform. As a former commander of three military units, which all excelled by providing an environment that allowed each of my members to “Be The Best That They Could Be,” I understand the many challenges our providers face while they endeavor to make our lives better.
•Trust has been lacking at all levels of government, and it can have an especially detrimental effect at the local level. I plan to restore that trust to the people when they elect me. Regardless of your party affiliation, when you elect me, I represent Grand Island first. I am not a politician; I am a leader. Politicians intentionally choose their words to elicit the reaction they want you to have: When speaking about another candidate, they will say they are “narrow-minded”; when discussing the same trait in themselves, they will call it “focused.” You can trust me not to play those games with your future.
Why am I running? These times require discipline, vision and leadership. If these values were already being represented, I wouldn’t be running.
I am asking for your support and your vote on Nov. 7 to represent you on the Town Council. It’s all in the name; so, if you don’t see it on the line you are voting on, write it in.
Let West point you in the right direction. Join me at my upcoming events:
√ Oct. 24-26 – Lung cancer screening on Grand Island / 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Golden Age Center
√ Nov. 4 – Veterans point and insurance reduction program / 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the VFW
Ongoing activities include:
•Private sales for Grand Island residents at participating vendors
•Cleaning up the Grand Island Plaza
√ Parking lot has been patched and paved.
√ Sidewalks have been cleaned, repaired and painted
√ Next steps include curbs to be repaired and freshly painted yellow to reduce tripping hazards; new tenants are to be recruited to decrease plaza vacancy and improve Grand Island service to residents; continue to add value while reducing costs and finding alternate revenue streams.
Wayne West has been a Grand Island resident for 34 years where he has raised his family. He has served Grand Island families for 21 years as a Realtor and 20 years as a community volunteer. West formerly worked as a cost control, project and safety manager, and dedicated 26 years of service to the Army National Guard before retiring. He has held no previous office. To learn more about the campaign, visit waynewillwin.com and our Facebook and Instagram.
Wayne West