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By J.J. Shanks
Special to Niagara Frontier Publications
A select few senior students at Niagara University’s Holzschuh College of Business were congratulated on their academic efforts at the recent Everett W. Ockerman recognition luncheon.
The event, held at the Niagara Falls Country Club in Lewiston, awarded students who had a 3.5 cumulative grade-point average or higher for all four years of undergraduate studies.
“Today’s celebration of our top students would not be possible without the financial generosity of the late Everett W. Ockerman,” economics professor Dr. Krieg Tidemann said in his introductory speech. “In honoring Dr. Ockerman with the university’s highest honor, the President’s Medal, former students of Dr. Ockerman claimed that they received their NU degree ‘a la Ockerman.’ ”
Dr. Krieg Tidemann addresses the crowd at the Everett W. Ockerman recognition luncheon.
The recipients were almost all enrolled into Niagara during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, and had to deal with the education restrictions that came with it.
The Everett W. Ockerman award is recognized with high prestige within the college of business, a testament to not only the faculty and staff, but also the current seniors who had to endure the trials and tribulations of pandemic restrictions.
“I don’t take education for granted,” management student Natnael Emanuel said, “The Ockerman award means so much, and I’m happy I was honored in his name.”
Forty-five students were recognized for their academic work at the luncheon. The awarded students received a plaque, as well as a padfolio, courtesy of the College of Business.
“Our students are successful,” Assistant Dean Kelli Asklar said. “They get out of their education what they put into it, pandemic or not. ... (These) students are voicing their preference to work remotely, but are ready to shift with any presented opportunity given their experience.”
This is a Niagara University student-created piece completed as part of the course CMS 226A. For more information, contact the Niagara Frontier Publications’ managing editor.