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By Benjamin Fey
Special to Niagara University
Niagara University has introduced a restored recreation center for students and faculty. Its Kiernan Center was restored, and reopened on Jan. 19.
This restoration added a new weight room, swimming pools, aerobic dance areas, and cardio equipment. The project also added infrastructure support such as a natatorium filtration system and bigger sitting areas for students.
“There’s a lot more space to work out, and more squat racks compared to my freshman year,” senior Conner Alabanese said.
Students have mentioned the feeling of being “at home” and the sense of community at the Kiernan center.
“I love seeing my friends there while I work out,” Albanese said.
Such positive comments are common as fellow students such as Tyler Fuen, a junior, also praised the center's accessibility and commented on the increase in student body presence. This elevated his enthusiasm to exercise there.
The Kiernan Center is home to over 50 intramural sports, health and wellness programs, and plenty of community supporting programs for students. This new restoration has added to the amount of students attending the Kiernan Center which, according to the student body, was worth the money.