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Lewiston Moose Lodge 584 presents scholarships, cash award


Mon, Jul 24th 2023 07:00 am

Lower Niagara Moose Lodge 584 recently announced the presentation of scholarships and cash awards to Lewiston-Porter High School Class of 2023 members.

Pictured, members of the 2023 William (Bill) Kilmer Memorial Scholarship committee present scholarships of $3,000 each to Lew-Port graduates Madison Koryl, Mario J. Violante IV and Michael Mundy. The scholarship awards come from proceeds of the annual Kilmer Memorial Golf Tournament, held each August. (Missing from the photo is Michael Mundy.)

Also shown, members of the Moose 584 board of officers are pictured at a $500 check presentation event to Lewiston Boy Scout Troop 855 Eagle Scout member Alexandre Vanderlip. The Scout recently completed his Eagle Scout Service Project that involved construction of an outdoor U.S. flag retirement box for the Lewiston community. The box is now found outside the Village of Lewiston Red Brick Municipal Building on North Fourth Street. (Submitted photos)

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