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By AAA of Western and Central New York
National Tire Safety Week runs from June 26 through July 3, 2023. This initiative is intended to educate consumers and motorists about tire care, safety and maintenance, especially as the summer travel season heats up heading into the Fourth of July holiday. AAA Western and Central New York is sharing information from the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (USTMA) in an effort to raise awareness.
Tires are one of the most important safety components of a car – the only part that touches the road – and, as such, critical to road safety. That’s why tire care and maintenance should be a top priority for all motorists.
Today’s tires are made to perform better than ever before, yet improperly maintained tires can put drivers at risk. Worn-out tires are three times more likely to be involved in a crash than tires with sufficient tread depth, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. A NHTSA study of tire inflation pressure and tire pressure monitoring systems showed that 12% of all passenger vehicles in the U.S. of model years 2004-11 have at least one underinflated tired by at least 25%.
U.S. tire manufacturers recommend drivers check tire pressure at least monthly, regularly check tire tread depth, and ensure vehicle tires are rotated and properly aligned. USTMA reports that 53% of drivers don’t know how to check tread wear. Use the upside-down coin trick – if part of the president’s head is covered by the tread, you’re good to go. If you can see his entire head, it’s new tire time.
Proper maintenance and periodic inspections by a tire professional are essential for optimum performance and service life of tires and can help ensure lower overall environmental impacts.
To help motorists remember these important tire maintenance actions, USTMA encourages drivers to remember the acronym “P.A.R.T.”—pressure, alignment, rotation and tread. Tire safety essentials are especially important this year as summer road trips are expected to be very popular, and vehicle usage is on the rise.
Americans drove more than 3.169 trillion miles in 2022, an increase of more than 29 billion miles compared to 2021, according to the Federal Highway Administration.
USTMA and AAA are committed to helping consumers understand important facts about tire care and maintenance, especially as the summer travel season gets underway.
USTMA is the national trade association for tire manufacturers that produce tires in the U.S. With 57 facilities in 17 states across the country, U.S. tire manufacturing has an annual economic footprint of $170.6 billion and is responsible for more than 291,000 U.S. jobs in manufacturing, distribution and retailing. The industry supports more than 510,000 additional U.S. jobs in supplier and induced activities, totaling more than 801,000 jobs nationwide. USTMA advances a sustainable tire manufacturing industry through thought leadership and a commitment to science-based public policy advocacy. USTMA members are committed to continuous improvement of the performance of our products, worker and consumer safety and environmental stewardship. Our member companies make mobility possible. For more information, visit www.USTires.org or on Twitter @USTires.
As upstate New York’s largest member services organization, AAA Western and Central New York provides more than 862,000 members with travel, insurance, financial and automotive-related services. Since its founding in 1900, AAA has been a leading advocate for the safety and security of all travelers. Visit AAA at www.AAA.com.