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Today, NYS Inspector General Lucy Lang released the 2022 Annual Report on Gaming Commission Oversight, which details the office’s continued efforts to promote transparency and accountability in New York state’s gaming activities.
A press release stated, “Since the gaming inspector general was brought under the umbrella of the Offices of the New York State Inspector General (OIG) in June of 2021, OIG has embraced the duty to ensure that all lawful gaming is of the highest integrity.
“The 2022 Annual Report demonstrates OIG’s commitment to gaming oversight, to training employees of the New York State Gaming Commission in best practices, and to increasing OIG’s visibility in the gaming industry statewide. Specifically, in 2022, OIG saw a nearly 150% increase in complaints received as compared to 2021. Of these complaints, OIG investigations were opened into a number of matters while others resulted in recommendations to the commission based on investigative findings. Additionally, in 2022, OIG fulfilled its statutory mandate to provide training to the hundreds of commission employees assigned to 35 facilities statewide.”
By ramping up its efforts to establish a presence with commission employees, OIG also conducted in-person training for over 200 employees and conducted multiple site visits across the state.
Reflecting on her office’s work, Lang shared, "As gaming expands across New York state and virtually, I am committed to protecting participating New Yorkers from unfair practices, and to ensuring healthy competition is matched with robust oversight that emphasizes transparency, integrity and equity. Thanks to Deputy Inspector General for Gaming Lisa Lee, OIG staff have taken part in dozens of gaming-focused trainings and we have strengthened our oversight abilities by continuing the process of fully integrating the former office of the gaming inspector general into the offices of the inspector general.”
Read the IG’s complete report here, or follow the office’s work @NewYorkStateIG.