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Rotary Club of Grand Island sets 'Shred-it Day' for Saturday, June 17


Sat, May 27th 2023 07:00 am

The Rotary Club of Grand Island will host its annual “Shred-it” drive-thru event behind KeyBank in the Tops Market Plaza parking lot from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 17. Patrons will be able to watch the confidential document destruction of their papers.

The cost is $10 for a box approximately 12-by-16-by-10-inches; $20 for double banker boxes.

Remove all metal and plastic binders. Staples and paper clips will be accepted. Only paper items that would qualify for curbside recycling are allowed. Those with more than six large boxes should call 716-773-7265 to make separate arrangements.

The funds raised will be used by Rotary Club to support various community causes. This event is co-sponsored by Christine A. Learman, CPA, PC; and Madison Tile Carpet One. For more information, visit www.rotaryclubgi.org or on Facebook (rotaryclubgi).

Organizers said, “How long should important documents be kept? Keep for seven years if they include any items related to the preparation of your personal or business tax returns. Otherwise, documents that could be shredded after three years would include credit card statements and receipts, monthly bank statements, deposit and ATM slips, canceled checks and utility statements.”

The Rotary Club started this fundraiser in 2010. Proceeds support various community causes such as Miracle League, Afghan resettlement, trail enhancements, Family Justice Center, DeGlopper Memorial, Salvation Army of Tonawanda, scholarships and international efforts.

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