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Alexandre Vanderlip, a member of Boy Scout Troop 855, is working on a plan to acquire a mailbox-sized container that would hold up to 50 flags until they can be properly burned. He intends to install the waterproof, locked drop box outside of the Village of Lewiston’s Red Brick Municipal Building, along the main driveway.
The project cost is pegged at $1,800. To help offset the fees, Vanderlip will collect donations at DiMino Lewiston Tops from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Sunday, May 21.
Vanderlip first presented the idea to the Village of Lewiston Board of Trustees in late-February. He received positive comments from the elected leaders, as well as a round of applause from residents in attendance at the meeting.
Tops is located at 906 Center St.