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State landmarks will be lit in colors of Vietnam Service Medal
Today is 50th anniversary since departure of last American troops from Vietnam
√ Read the proclamation here
Gov. Kathy Hochul issued a proclamation declaring March 29, 2023, as Vietnam Veterans Day.
Her team said, “This proclamation recognizes the service and sacrifice of New York's Vietnam War veterans on the 50th anniversary of the date that the final American combat troops departed the Republic of Vietnam.”
Additionally, Hochul directed landmarks across New York to be illuminated green, yellow and red in recognition of Vietnam Veterans Day. The three colors adorn the Vietnam Service Medal earned by U.S. service members who served during the Vietnam War. Service members recognized with the medal served on the ground in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, or in the contiguous waters or airspace of these areas.
"Vietnam veterans deserve the utmost respect and recognition for their immense service to our state and nation," Hochul said. "In New York, we work each day to ensure that their duty and sacrifice is commended and remembered, and it is my honor to celebrate New York's 207,000 Vietnam veterans on this Vietnam Veterans Day."
New York State Division of Veterans' Services Director Viviana DeCohen said, "For too long, our Vietnam veterans were left to fend for themselves without the respect and honor they deserve for their courageous service. I am proud that now, and here in New York, we are committed to ensuring that all those who served are seen, commended and applauded for their outstanding work on behalf of our country. On this Vietnam Veterans Day and every day, we thank them for their service."
A press release stated, “An estimated 207,000 Vietnam War veterans currently live in New York state, and 4,119 New Yorkers died during the war in defense of this nation and the values for which it stands. Their names are among the 58,276 names listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C. The New York State Vietnam Memorial is located on the Empire State Plaza in Albany.”
The following state landmarks will be illuminated green, yellow, and red tonight:
One World Trade Center
Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge
Kosciuszko Bridge
The H. Carl McCall SUNY Building
State Education Building
Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
Empire State Plaza
State Fairgrounds – Main Gate & Expo Center
Niagara Falls
The "Franklin D. Roosevelt" Mid-Hudson Bridge
Albany International Airport Gateway
MTA LIRR – East End Gateway at Penn Station
Fairport Lift Bridge over the Erie Canal
Moynihan Train Hall
About the Division of Veterans' Services
The New York State Division of Veterans' Services, which has served as the state's advocacy agency for veterans, service members and military families since 1945, maintains an agencywide commitment of serving all veterans, service members and military families in a wide range of practice areas, including claims and appeals for benefits from the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; discharge upgrade appeals to the United States Department of Defense; and claims for New York State benefits. Veterans, service members and military families are encouraged to contact the division at 888-838-7697 or its website veterans.ny.gov to meet — in person or virtually — with an accredited veterans benefits adviser to address their needs and gain the full measure of benefits that they have earned.