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Various changes are associated with aging, and these can be physical, mental and emotional. Though each person manages these changes in their own way, there’s no denying that social interaction can benefit people from all walks of life as they navigate their golden years.
The Foundation for Senior Care says socializing can give seniors a sense of purpose, stimulate the mind, relieve boredom, potentially prevent feelings of depression, and give individuals something to look forward to. The senior living center Aston Gardens says socialization provides a significant boost to the cognitive health of older adults, helping to prevent or delay conditions that can affect memory.
Individuals looking to cultivate healthy social interactions may turn to clubs and other groups. If there’s a dearth of opportunities, individuals can start and promote their own social club using this useful guideline.
Decide on the Purpose of the Group
Social clubs can meet and be organized around any number of themes or interests. Social clubs may meet to discuss gardening, crocheting, reading or other shared hobbies. Friends also may be interested in doing food and beverage sampling. In such instances, a luncheon social club makes perfect sense.
Turn to Social Media
Meeting details can be posted in a community bulletin or on a message board at a local house of worship. However, the internet can be a speedy messenger and help like-minded people figure out how to connect. Facebook groups are one way to organize social clubs, as is the website Meetup.com. The latter is a large online network of offline groups that meet all over the country and the world. The website makes it a snap to organize a local group or find an existing club.
Check for Competition
Conduct a search of groups already meeting within a 50-mile radius to see if an existing group already meets your criteria. If not, proceed full speed ahead as you establish your own club.
Establish Consistent Meeting Times
Most people prefer a schedule so they can plan their days accordingly. Choose a regular meeting time and place to hold the social club; otherwise, it can be confusing to accommodate everyone. Inconsistency also can make it hard to get the club off the ground.
Start Small and then Build
For those new to hosting social clubs, it may be better to begin with only a few members as everyone gets into a groove. As the group becomes more established, it can be opened up to more members. Although it may be wise to cap membership so that things are more easily managed.
Social clubs are a great way for seniors to stay connected and active. When there isn’t one that meets a person’s interests, it’s relatively easy start one from scratch.