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On Saturday, Dec. 17, The Town of Niagara Lions Club, along with the Helping Hands and Town of Niagara Historian Peter Ames, will host a Wreaths Across America ceremony starting at 10 a.m. at the Witmer Road Cemetery. All are welcome to attend the gathering and remember the interred veterans.
The event will include prayers by Pastor Lisa Giacomazza of Bacon Memorial Presbyterian Church; remarks from Lion Michael Hoplight; and the placing of a wreath at each veteran’s gravestone.
A press release said, “The Lions and Helping Hands are proud to join others throughout the country in placing a wreath at the places where we can remember, honor and teach about our veterans.”
For more information, contact Lion Angelo Onevelo at 716-628-0244.
Morrill Worcester at a veteran’s grave. (Wreaths Across America staff photo)
•Local Wreaths Across America volunteers are working hard to ensure that veterans laid to rest at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Kenmore are honored this December as part of National Wreaths Across America Day.
At noon Saturday, Mt. Olivet, an official Wreaths Across America location, will host a wreath-laying ceremony, joining more than 3,100 other locations across the country and abroad for National Wreaths Across America Day.
Coordinated and led by Erie Niagara Sunrise Exchange Club, members have raised funds throughout the year to sponsor the placement of 134 veterans’ wreaths on the headstones of fallen service members laid to rest there. They said, “This annual event seeks to further the WAA mission of ‘Remember, Honor and Teach,’ ensuring that the memory of those who served our country endures.”
Wreaths Across America Executive Director Karen Worcester said, “Every $15 wreath sponsorship made is a meaningful gift from a grateful American who knows what it means to serve and sacrifice for the freedoms we all enjoy. We are so grateful to the good people of this wonderful community for participating in our mission to ‘Remember, Honor and Teach.’ ”
This event will take place at St. Michaels Veterans Garden, Mt. Olivet Cemetery, 4000 Elmwood Ave., Kenmore.
About Wreaths Across America
Wreaths Across America is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded to continue and expand the annual wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery begun by Maine businessman Morrill Worcester in 1992.