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The First Presbyterian Church of Youngstown will presenting its annual “Candlelight Christmas Concert” at 7 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 18, in the church sanctuary.
The program will include sacred Christmas and Advent pieces performed by the chancel choir, the handbell choir and the children's choir. There will also be a piano duet, an alto saxophone solo, and a violin solo, as well as accompaniments by stringed instruments, percussion and flute. There will also be opportunities for the audience to sing along on a variety of Christmas carols.
Paige Hardison is the music director and director of the chancel and handbell choirs. Alan Spring is the organist/piano accompanist, and the children's choir is directed by Katrina Copeland.
The church is located at 100 Church Street. Admission is free and open to the public, but free-will donations are encouraged and gratefully accepted.