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Mayor Austin Tylec and Police Chief Keith Glass have established a committee to comprehensively investigate and assess the safety and security at City Hall located on Payne Avenue in North Tonawanda.
“When North Tonawanda City Hall was constructed in the early 1930s, design for safety and security was not a priority as much as it is today,” Glass said. “We realize our shortcomings and have formed the safety and security committee to explore ideas to keep residents and employees safe while minimizing financial impact.”
The new committee will consist of Tylec; four members of the NTPD, including Glass; a member from the New York State Courts system; city engineers; and the city’s building inspector. In addition to assessing issues, the committee will determine best practices and find ways to implement solutions to any gaps in security, while exploring grant opportunities for these enhancements.
“Public spaces throughout our nation have been hit with unforeseeable tragedies, and the City of North Tonawanda wants to be proactive with the safety of our employees and visitors who occupy City Hall on a daily basis,” Tylec said.
The team will be tasked with compiling areas of concern, working on preventative solutions, tackling issues such as fortifying a building with City Hall’s unique layout, and reviewing protocols for emergency situations.
All questions may be directed to the committee chairman, Lt. Muehlbauer at [email protected].