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Higgins: New York state will receive over $2.7 billion for infrastructure investments in 2023


Wed, Oct 19th 2022 08:55 am

Funding provided under ‘Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’ will repair & rebuild roads, bridges; improve safety; invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure

Congressman Brian Higgins announced New York state will receive $2,714,577,528 in federal formula funding for infrastructure investments in 2023. This allocation, made possible thanks to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, represents a 22% increase over the $2.223 billion 2022 allocation, which was already 21% higher than 2021 funding levels.

“Infrastructure investment lays the foundation for opportunity,” Higgins said. “This federal funding will support job creation, spur private sector investments and lift up business districts and neighborhoods across Western New York.”

Higgins provided additional details on the funding breakdown for New York state:

Roads/Highway: $2,268,231,158

This includes funding for the following programs:

√ National Highway Performance Program (NHPP): $1,164,879,205

√ Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) program: $566,697,991

√ Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP): $125,633,456

√ Railway-highway crossings program: $6,455,526

√ Congestion Mitigation & Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program: $203,596,992

√ National Highway Freight Program (NHFP): $33,603,427

√ Metropolitan Planning Program (MPP): $59,377,110

√ Carbon Reduction Program (CRP): $50,530,571

√ Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT): $57,456,880

√ Bridges: $408,972,882

√ Electric vehicle infrastructure: $37,373,488

Projects in New York state also have the opportunity to win federal infrastructure funding through competitive grant programs such as the $25 million recently awarded through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program to a project that will transform middle Main Street in Buffalo.

The Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law Nov. 15, 2021, provides infrastructure funding in increasing amounts from 2022 through 2026. In addition to formula-based road and bridge infrastructure, the law includes funding for water infrastructure, broadband, public transportation, Great Lakes investments, and clean energy transmission.

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