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Attendees encouraged to bring resume, be prepared for on-site interviews on Sept. 28
The Buffalo Niagara Convention Center on Franklin Street in downtown Buffalo will be the site for the Behavioral Health & Human Services Job Fair scheduled to take place Wednesday, Sept. 28. Hosted by the Erie County Department of Mental Health, the event will feature over 30 different participating agencies. The job fair will take place during two different time periods: 11 a.m. until 2 p.m., and 5-7 p.m.
Job applicants are asked to bring printed copies of their resume and be prepared for potential on-site interviews, with many of the agencies seeking new employees actively recruiting for all positions at various skill levels.
The Buffalo Niagara Convention Center is located at 153 Franklin St. It is accessible to people with disabilities. Handicapped meter parking will be available on Franklin Street, Pearl Street and other surroundings streets. Any guests or clients with special needs are asked to contact the BNCC administrative office at 716-855-5555 so the appropriate accommodations can be made.
For more information:
√ About directions and parking availability at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center, visit: www.buffaloconvention.com/directions-and-parking/.
√ About the Erie County Department of Mental Health, visit: www.erie.gov/mentalhealth.