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•The Chamber of Commerce of the Tonawandas, along with Niagara River Cruises, is hosting a comedy boat ride for all members. This event is sponsored by the Tonawandas GLOW (Growing Leadership Opportunities for Women), a private networking group for members.
•Open enrollment: Anyone who joins the Chamber of Commerce of the Tonawandas before Aug. 12 will automatically be included in the 2022-23 membership directory book. For more information, visit us online at www.the-tonawandas.com.
•The North Tonawanda Police Department will present “Civilian Response to an Active Shooter,” an exclusive presentation for chamber members, at 8:30 a.m. Aug. 9.
Later that evening, the chamber will host a business after-hours event at Rustic Buffalo Artisan Market.
For more information, contact Executive Director Sarah Nelson at [email protected] or 716-692-5120.