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My name is Jim Fittante and I am announcing today that I will seek election as a trustee of the Village of Lewiston in the June 21 village election.
I was born and raised in Lewiston, graduated Lew-Port in 1987, and received a degree in architecture. It has been my great pleasure to have designed so many projects in Lewiston where I grew up as a paperboy and a worker at the Frontier House McDonalds.
I have been a solid contributor to our village and our area, and have joined a number of civic organizations dedicated to its improvement. Currently, I am sitting on the Historical Planning Commission, which seeks to preserve and enhance Lewiston’s historic heritage. I also currently serve on the Niagara River Region Chamber of Commerce as an executive board member, and I am a member of Moose Lodge 584.
I am deeply involved on the restoration of the Historic Niagara Post Theater at Fort Niagara and provide 60% of my services as a donation. I am also a donor of architectural drawings to build Habitat for Humanity homes throughout Erie and Niagara counties. From 2014-19, I represented the Niagara County Builders Association in Albany as a lobbyist and have spent many days in meetings in the Capital during that time.
I like to think that my architecture projects speak for me. Close to home, they include the Frontier House, The Brickyard Pub and the BBC, the Lewiston Event Center, Brewed and Bottled, many homes and remodeled homes, the Como Building on Sixth and Center, the River’s Edge condos at First Street and Tuscarora, and many projects at the Niagara Falls Country Club. As I take on each of these projects, one of my prime considerations in how these projects will shape my village and will then be judged not only now but in the future. I am so fortunate to help Lewiston retain its small-town character and our way of life that is reflected in our image and our architecture.
It has long been my wish to represent the citizens of Lewiston as an elected official. I have attended hundreds of Village Board, Planning Board and HPC Board hearings, and I feel I am ready by education and experience to participate as a trustee. The men and women who serve on these boards are much to be complimented. I have witnessed their hard work for a long time, and wish to continue my contributions as a trustee.
The village election will take place on June 21 at the Red Brick Village Hall. Voting is from noon to 9 p.m. I will be making phone calls and walking door to door to meet as many of you as possible in the next few months.
It will be my honor to be selected by the voters as a trustee. I know I have the ability to do this job. Please consider me for one of your two votes for this position. Thank you.