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New York Power Authority fishing facilities, including the fishing pier at the base of NYPA's Robert Moses Niagara Hydroelectric Power Plant, will close for the season, at dusk, Tuesday, Nov. 30. The fishing pier near the Upper Mountain Fire Co. at the Lewiston Reservoir and at the water intakes along the upper Niagara River will also close for the season.
In addition to the pier at the base of NYPA's Robert Moses Niagara Hydroelectric Power Plant, the lower parking area and shoreline stairway will also close for the season.
Prior to Dec. 1, if snow and ice conditions exist, the facilities will close for the day.
The fishing facilities will reopen in the spring when snow and ice have sufficiently cleared. The fishing cleaning station will reopen once the threat of freezing temperatures has passed.
For information on the fishing pier, call 716-286-6662 for a recorded message.
Visit www.nypa.gov.