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Appointments available at Pfizer vaccine clinics; walk-ins welcome
ECDOH also announces one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine availability
The Erie County Department of Health will begin providing COVID-19 vaccine to youth ages 12-15 at its scheduled Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine clinics. This follows the recommendations of the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York State Department of Health, and their reviews of clinical trial data for safety and efficacy in that age group.
Pfizer clinics are scheduled beginning Saturday, May 15, at Southside Elementary. They continue next week with:
Several other events are taking shape for May in cooperation with school districts, and will be posted to www.erie.gov/vax once registration is available. Parental consent is required for children ages 12 to 17. Registration is suggested and all eligible walk-ins are welcome.
“We are very glad to be able to offer Pfizer vaccine to this age group as the more people we can vaccinate, the better protected our community is against COVID-19,” Commissioner of Health Dr. Gale Burstein said. “Our department has been coordinating closely with pediatricians to supply many pediatric offices with Pfizer vaccine as well. Parents can take their children to their medical home to get a COVID-19 vaccine just as they would for any vaccine. Speaking as a pediatrician, a child’s doctor is best able to respond to parents’ questions and concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine.”
ECDOH has also scheduled one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinics. Appointments are suggested and walk-ins are welcome. These clinics are open to ages 18 and older. Register at www.erie.gov/vax.
These vaccination options are in addition to the “Vax Visit” program, first announced by ECDOH on Tuesday. Schedule a vaccine-at-home by calling 716-858-2929. On the first full day that service was available, about 170 Erie County residents called to be scheduled.