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The Erie County Department of Health is informing Erie County residents of the restrictions on parades and similar large public events. Based on “New York Forward” guidance, any in-person event must be limited to the nonessential social gathering limit that is in effect for the region, which for Erie County is currently 50 people.
For a parade, vehicle caravans are permitted as long as all participants remain in their vehicles for the entirety of the event or display, with the exception of restroom use, if such facilities are made available. Broadcasting events is encouraged, rather than in-person attendance.
When New York state issues further guidance that allows for parades and large public events to occur without these restrictions, ECDOH will work with event planners to coordinate their activities in a safe manner.
Municipalities and event planners are encouraged to stay in contact with the ECDOH division of environmental health at 716-961-6800.