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The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops on Monday announced planning is underway for an in-person festival for July 10-11, occupying a portion of its longtime home on Delaware Avenue and Niagara Square in downtown Buffalo.
The event’s all-volunteer board of directors said it is mindful there may still be COVID-19 health restrictions in place throughout the spring and summer: “The Taste of Buffalo remains committed, as always, to creating a safe and festive environment for guests to sample some of the best food that our Western New York restaurants have to offer. The Taste is planning a one-year only, ticketed event with multiple sessions to be held over the weekend of July 10 and 11.”
2021 Chair Amber Hartman said, "The Taste of Buffalo has always existed to support our locally owned restaurants. After so many of them have endured unthinkable hardships during the pandemic, our mission is more important now than ever. We are working with our state and county officials to follow all safety guidelines that may be in place come this July. We hope this announcement gives our community something to look forward to this summer and sends a message to our local restaurants that better days are ahead."
Details on how and where to purchase session tickets will be forthcoming as the event date approaches.
The Taste of Buffalo presented by Tops is the nation's largest two-day food festival. The 38th annual event will take place July 10-11. The Taste is a not-for-profit organization with more than 1,000 volunteers helping to put on the annual event. Approximately $541,000 has been raised at the festival for local charities, including three $1,000 scholarships awarded last year to local high school seniors pursuing a culinary or hospitality-related degree. For more information, visit tasteofbuffalo.com, or @tasteofbuffalo on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.