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Niagara University’s online programs in education were ranked among the top 10 in New York state by U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in education rankings. In addition, Niagara was the highest-ranking institution of higher education from Western New York.
Data on more than 300 schools that provide online programs was analyzed for the 2021 list of “Best Online Master’s in Education Programs.” The schools were ranked based on student-instructor engagement; instructor credentials; the diversity of online learning technologies used; the availability of strong learning, career and financial support; and the excellence of the students in the programs – factors that measure whether the academic standards of the online programs are commensurate with quality brick-and-mortar programs.
“Our online options make our high-quality, nationally accredited programs available to busy educators who may find it difficult to commute to campus,” said Dr. Chandra Foote, dean of NU’s College of Education. “Being named one of the top online providers in New York state is a testament to our ability to engage our online students in meaningful graduate work that equals what they would receive in a campus-based classroom.”
Enrollment for the spring semester continues until Feb. 5. Niagara University’s College of Education offers several online program options, including M.S.Ed. and advanced certificates in early childhood education, special education, B-grade 2, grades 1-6, or grades 7-12, and educational leadership for school building, school district, and school business leaders. Classes begin Jan. 28.