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Named chairman of Assembly Steering Committee, ranking member of Codes Committee
Assemblyman Angelo Morinello, R-C-I-Niagara Falls, was named chairman of the Assembly Minority Steering Committee and will be continuing in his leadership position as the ranking member of the Standing Committee on Codes, his office announced.
The steering committee provides insight and advice on the direction of the conference. As ranker on codes, Morinello considers issues and legislation regarding the state’s criminal and civil justice system using his decades of experience as a judge.
“It is my pleasure to appoint Assemblyman Angelo Morinello as chairman of the Assembly Minority Conference Steering Committee. Angelo is a proven leader and his extensive expertise will be a valuable addition to our conference’s leadership team,” said Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay of Pulaski. “I look forward to working with Angelo and the rest of my Assembly colleagues to address the issues important to all New Yorkers.”
Morinello will continue his positions as a member of the Committee on Economic Development, Job Creation, Commerce and Industry, the Committee on Labor, the Committee on Tourism, Parks, Arts and Sports Development, and the Committee on Veterans' Affairs.
“I would like to thank the conference and Leader Barclay for their confidence in me and for these committee assignments,” Morinello said. “I am eager to execute each of these roles to the best of my ability, and I believe my experiences as an attorney, judge and assemblyman will benefit me in the leadership positions I have been granted. My top priority will always be the immediate needs of my constituents. As we enter the end stages of this pandemic, my focus remains on the needs of the 145th District, and to see a world without COVID-19 this time next year.”