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Cheektowaga-based practice gives back to community
Shurmatz Counseling LCSW, PC, a Cheektowaga-based counseling practice, is introducing a new monthly training series titled “Therapists Helping and Nourishing Knowledge Sharing” (THANKS).
A press release said, “The demand for mental health treatment has increased significantly during the pandemic and is likely to continue to rise. The goal of THANKS is to increase the clinical skill set of behavioral health practitioners, while simultaneously helping the community.”
All program fees will be donated to a local, 503(c) organization, selected monthly by Shurmatz Counseling. For an additional fee of $10, practitioners who complete this training will be eligible for three continuing education credits.
The pilot training for THANKS will be held via Zoom from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 5. It is open to all behavioral health practitioners. The topic is “Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: Foundational Knowledge and Skills.” ACT is a psychotherapy designed to increase self-acceptance and reduce creative hopelessness.
The chosen not for profit for this month’s training is FeedMore WNY, a hunger alleviation organization that was formed by the merger of the Food Bank of WNY and Meals on Wheels.
To sign up for a THANKS workshop, visit www.shurmatzcounseling.com/services/training.
The press release noted, “Shurmatz Counseling helps individuals and families rediscover the joys of a healthy mind and overall wellness.”