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100% of proceeds go to Rapids Theater to help cover losses due to coronavirus restrictions
Featuring: Deep Valleys, Dilettante, Of Night And Light, Seven Faces, Ironsoul, Creating A Sinner, Overlook WNY, The Impurity, A.C. Anton, Forget The Sorrows, THE NIGH, & The Finality Complex
FTMP Events and The Rapids Theater, Niagara Falls, U.S.A. present: “The Rapids Theater – Benefit Show,” with 100% of proceeds going to the venue to help staffers cover losses from having to be closed due to the coronavirus restrictions.
Doors open at 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 22, for the age-18-and-over show. Tickets are $10 per person (sold only as tables of two or four). They are available at http://www.purplepass.com/Rapids082220. Tickets are only available to purchase online, with no physical tickets Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/296809958318666/.
Music will be courtesy of Deep Valleys, Dilettante, Of Night And Light, Seven Faces, Ironsoul, Creating A Sinner, Overlook WNY, The Impurity, A.C. Anton, Forget The Sorrows, THE NIGH, and The Finality Complex.
All current social distancing guidelines will be enforced. This includes:
√ Masks required for entry and must be worn at all times unless one is sitting at one’s table.
√ Seating will be assigned, and each group of two or four will be seated 6 feet away from other parties.
√ One must remain seated at their table at all times unless to use the restroom/use the smoking section/etc. No dancing or standing at the table will be allowed.
√ There will be no seating within 12 feet from the stage/performers.
√ One must purchase a food item first before they can be served an alcoholic beverage.
√ Temperatures will be taken upon entry. If one’s temperature is not within normal range, they will be given a refund and not allowed entry.
√ Sanitation stations will be set up at the door and throughout the venue.
√ Plexiglas will be up at any serving station and staff will be wearing masks at all times.
√ Security will be watching the crowd. Those not following the state-mandated guidelines will be asked to leave with no refund given.
The Rapids is located at 1711 Main St., Niagara Falls.
Visit www.FTMPEvents.com.