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The DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is recommending a fitting Christmas gift for the Island’s veterans.
The committee, charged with upgrading DeGlopper Memorial Park, the triangle-shaped park at the intersection of Grand Island Boulevard and Baseline Road, is touting the gift of an engraved paver to honor a loved one on the Memorial Walkway slated to be built in the park, which is in the midst of an ongoing upgrade. DeGlopper Park is the site of the town’s annual Memorial Day observance.
In a fundraising letter, the DeGlopper Memorial Expansion Committee is raising money “to make this park a fitting tribute to Grand Island’s Medal of Honor recipient Charles N. DeGlopper” and to make the park “a world-class memorial to Charlie and to all Grand Islanders killed while fighting for our country.”
The committee has secured a $100,000 grant from the state for a bronze statue of DeGlopper, who lost his life in the D-Day invasion and subsequently received the Medal of Honor as well as the French Croix de Guerre.
“We still need a strong push in fundraising to complete this project,” the committee said in a letter to residents. “We are certain with your help we can have this memorial complete for the dedication on June 6, 2020.”
Forms are available at Town Hall, 2255 Baseline Road, and Certified AutoBrokers, 1693 Grand Island Blvd., or online at www.DeGlopperMemorial.org.
Donations checks can be made out and sent to the Charles N. DeGlopper VFW Post No. 9249, 2121 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island NY 14072.
Improvements to the park thus far include a stone wall with plantings, sidewalks, sod, and new flagpoles, all of which were donated.