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ASI accepting proposals for a public art project in Niagara Falls


Thu, Nov 7th 2019 01:00 pm

On behalf of 1702 Pine LLC, Arts Services Initiative of Western New York invites Western New York-based visual artists working in two-dimensional and three-dimensional mediums to submit proposals for an outdoor public art project located at 1702 Pine Ave., Niagara Falls. The mural will appear on the building’s west-facing façade facing 17th Street.

The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday, Dec. 6. Proposals must be sent electronically as a PDF to [email protected] with the subject line “1702 Pine Ave Proposal”

A commission of up to $9,000 will be available for the chosen artist to create and install their work, with some installation assistance available, including a bucket truck and some materials to complete the project

Work must reflect both the history of Garibaldi (an Italian political hero from the 19th century) as well as the promise and hope for the future of Niagara Falls.

Final mural must have an expected lifespan of at least five years unprotected from the elements.

For photographs of the space, a full RFP with images can be found at asiwny.org

ASI is a resource hub for the Western New York arts and cultural sector. It empowers the region's artists and arts organizations with connections to funding, learning opportunities, and community access to the arts.

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